newbie advice please

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
Hi. im Dawn and have today been told that im pre diabetic. I'm scared as I also have an eating disorder. I was wondering if anyone here is in the same position
Hi Dawn, welcome to the forum. It is scary to be told something like this but believe me when I say, it is manageable with a few life changes.
I sympathise with your eating disorder and think you are extremely brave to be so honest about it. I have a history with both anorexia and bulimia so I do understand.
How did your pre diagnosis come about? What do you eat now? You will find loads of support here, everyone is really friendly :D
I was feeling unwell about 6 weeks ago and the gp did some blood test as there is a history of diabetes in the family. They told me that the results were negative and I wasn't diabetic and there was nothing wrong. However this morning I received a letter saying I am pre diabetic and they would like me to attend a healthy lifestyle course which they are trying to set up.

I life of junk. I restrict during the day and then at night eat everything I can. 4 years ago I was anorexic and very underweight and have since developed ednos
Sounds like you have had some tough times Dawn, I hope you are getting some emotional support? Have they asked to see you again to talk you through what pre diabetic means?
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