Newbie Advice…

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi All,
I just wanted to reach out for some guidance on my diabetes- mainly weight management and Carb Management. I am 29, and have been T1 since I was 2. In the last year I have started using Libre 2 and I am using Fiasp and Tresiba. My HBA1C previously was high and I have got it down to 54 in the last year which is the best it has been for a while.

The next thing on my list is my weight and carb management. I don’t often have hypos, and I would say that carbs are probably my downfall with my weight.

I am just less than 17st and 6ft tall, and on a normal day I inject 30-40 units of Fiasp, and 40 units of Tresiba at night.

I am desperate to lose some weight, and I am quite active. I am looking for some guidance with carbs and possible numbers to work towards limiting my carbs. I don’t eat particularly poorly, although I do snack which is where I think I am going wrong.
Welcome @ollycs1 🙂 Well done on getting your HbA1C down😎 I think a good starting place is to record everything you eat for a few days. That will show your starting point. If you use an app like MyFitnessPal, you’ll also get an idea of calories. You can tell the app you want to lose weight and it generates a calorie amount.

Getting all that data helps you practically but the building up of evidence over a few days also helps you get ready for changes psychologically. You’ve already identified cutting out snacks as a good starting point. You could also look for places where calories slip in without you meaning to have them. Don’t forget calories in drinks too, eg beer, etc.

If you know your daily carb average, you can cut it a little and then re-assess. I have the opposite problem to you - I struggle to keep weight on - but the answer is the same: small, sustained changes day after day, week after week. If you can keep to your plan every day, you should start to see some changes.
Welcome to the forum @ollycs1

Do you have a weight-loss target in mind? I realised I’d gone up a few kilos earlier this year, and was able to drop around 6-7% of body weight by ditching maybe 25% of the carbs from my lunch and 15% of the carbs from my evening meal, and cutting back on nibbling handfuls of peanuts as a snack when I am peckish (which I think half the time is boredom!)

I found it helpful to drink more water/squash when I felt nibbly - half the time it was thirst!

I checked weight no more than once a week, and it wasn’t always down - but overall the progress was steady, even when I stopped worrying so much about peanuts!
I hovered around 15 stone which was about right so in the last 3-4 years I’ve gained maybe two stone. I will give it a go what you did and see how I go
LOL - I've had several spates of finding I was eating more between meals that I was AT them in my life ! I have had shedloads of thin outfits that I've got rid of to make room for the fatter ones, been donkeys years since I've been to an event that I needed a posh frock for, that I wouldn't even know these days where I could even buy such a thing - let alone shoes, bag etc. (Not to mention my lovely size 12 motorbike leathers still hanging in the wardrobe along with the best at the time boots et al.)

Anyway - start with them ruddy snacks!!
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