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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Diagnosed t1. Insulin twice a day. Found out last week. Last couple days feel fed up and depressed. Is it normal to feel like this?
Welcome!it does take time to get your head round ! It is still early days!
I just cant seem to focus on it. I suffered from depression anxiety 4 year ago but seem to get over it. It seems to have started again last couple of days.
Hi Nigel, welcome to the forum....

It's not unusual to have these feelings of depression, you have been delivered quite a blow & I would suspect that not on treatment your BG is coming down. Remember that this forum is a community of caring folks who are here to help & support you.
Should i mention it to my dr on tuesday do you think?
I would mention it. In fact, it is quite common, and it's one of the questions a GP should ask. My diabetes nurse had a card with questions on it which she showed me, aimed at finding out if I had or was likely to develop depression, when I was first diagnosed. It's not surprising, it's a big shock to the system, both mentally with all the new things you have to deal with, and physically because your body has probably got used to higher glucose levels, and it takes a while to get used to new, lower levels.
I have even fell back looking for work cause i am on jsa. So i prob get in to trouble with jobcentre. Its just one thing after another
Diagnosed t1. Insulin twice a day. Found out last week. Last couple days feel fed up and depressed. Is it normal to feel like this?
Hi Nigel,
Very common to feel this way, I was the very same after diagnosis, it took me a long time to find my feet with diabetes, definitely talk to your doctor about things, and ask about any courses they send people with diabetes on to learn how to eat and adjust insulin accordingly. Folks here are very lovely, ask lots of questions!
What insulin have you been started on?
Novomix 70/30. 14 units morn and 14 units evening. I am jyst worried bout jobcentre i supposed to have 22 jobs down every 2 week. I just cant get a focus they prob sanction me
My hb was 145 last week when diagnosed. So dr said they need to get that down and that could take weeks she said.
Hi Nigel. So sorry you're feeling so down. It may be worth mentioning to your doctor about the job situation - they may be able to write to them and explain the situation?
Everyone on this forum is very caring and supportive, and will offer any advice they can.
Good luck.
My cousin works for cba she said i should claim esa and get fit note off dr until they get diabetes under control
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