Hi there,
There are some things you can do to help delay or possibly prevent your prediabetes becoming Type 2, and they mostly revolve around weight loss, exercise and diet.
Weight loss will help to lower your body's demand for insulin, and depending on how much fat you have stored in and around your internal organs, may help your liver and pancreas work better. Exercise, apart from helping you to lose weight, also helps by burning off lots of blood sugar, and by reducing levels of 'insulin resistance' in your muscle tissue. The lower your overall levels of insulin resistance the better your body's insulin will work and the lower your blood sugar levels will be on average. A diet that is lower in carbohydrates, sugar and starch, requires less insulin to 'process' and so, again, will result in lower average blood sugar levels.
If I may ask - what is your BMI? If you don't know try Googling 'NHS BMI calculator' for a pretty good one that takes race into account to some extent. Do you currently exercise? If so, what kind(s), how often and how much? What kinds of foods do you typically eat in a day/week?