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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi everyone I’ve just been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in sept , just getting my head around it
Hi there,

I can safely say it takes a while. But this forum has been good at getting information and support. I guess I should say welcome to the club. It will seem daunting, it still does, but there are people here who can offer advice.
Hi everyone I’ve just been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in sept , just getting my head around it
Welcome to the forum, it does come as a surprise to some people but sometimes it is a relief to know what has been causing you to feel unwell. Knowledge is power so finding out about the condition and how to manage it will help you get your head around what needs to be done. How much work you will need to do will depend on how far into the diabetic zone you are, the threshold for diagnosis is an HbA1C result over 47mmol/mol so how far above that will indicate what changes you need to make. Depending on whether you have been prescribed any medication and what that is will determine what dietary changes are appropriate.
Many find a low carbohydrate approach successful and this link may help you with some ideas for meals.
There are some meal plans to suit various tastes and budgets and some do's and don'ts. It is a program developed by a GP surgery who found the standard NHS dietary advice based on the Eat Well Plate did their Type 2 patients no favours as it is too high in carbohydrates.
Perhaps you would like to say a bit more about your diagnosis, if you read around the forum you will find many people in the same position so you are not on your own.
Fire away with any questions.
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