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Hi Samantha and welcome.

Would you like to tell us a bit about your diabetes? Things like how long you have been diagnosed? What if any medication you have been prescribed for it? What lifestyle changes you have been advised to make and how are you doing with that? You most recent HbA1c result if you know it. This is the blood test result used to diagnose and moniotr your diabetes and will usually be a number in excess of 47 but might be into 3 figures if things have gone seriously awry.
It gives us an idea of where on the diabetic scale you are and can help us give more appropriate advice and support.

Please make yourself at home on the forum and ask whatever questions you have. We all know diabetes can be pretty overwhelming and being able to share how you are feeling and ask questions of people who are in the same situation is really helpful in feeling like you are not alone with this and giving you motivation. I have certainly benefitted enormously from being a regular member of this forum for the last few years since diagnosis and I hope you will find it helps you a lot too.
Yes i have type two diabetes i was diagnosed in 2019 by my doctor i am on metformin irbesartan and gliclazide the last haemoglobin A1C diabetic control was 83mmol then its changed to 75mmol i work at at charity shop so i do do a lot of exercise but lately ive had a lot of problems with. My right hip its bean hurting badly
Yes i have type two diabetes i was diagnosed in 2019 by my doctor i am on metformin irbesartan and gliclazide the last haemoglobin A1C diabetic control was 83mmol then its changed to 75mmol i work at at charity shop so i do do a lot of exercise but lately ive had a lot of problems with. My right hip its bean hurting badly
That is still quite a high HbA1C given you are those medications so I'm wondering if your diet is not doing you too many favours. Sometimes people are not advised that they also really need dietary changes alongside the medication.
Have a look at this link which is a low carb approach which many find successful at reducing blood glucose to see how far away you are from those principals.
It may be that if you are following a low carb diet that your diagnosis may not be correct, and you are in fact Type 1 or the slow developing Type 1 (LADA). There are tests for that, but you would need to press your doctor for them.
But do look at your diet as that is an important factor.
I am due for an blood test soon and an diabetic review so i will speak to my doctor to see if i can get more help
I am due for an blood test soon and an diabetic review so i will speak to my doctor to see if i can get more help
If you would like to post the sort of meals you have, people might spot some problem foods. The standard NHS advice is often still too high in carbohydrates for many to tolerate.
I used to get something to eat out after work but I don’t do that anymore as my mum cooks dinners and I don’t always know what shes cooking but there are things i do eat like Cumberland sausages burgers chicken rice eggs bacon yoghurts but the low fat ones i eat scones toast bread but i eat the seeded bread from sainsburys i eat babybell
I used to get something to eat out after work but I don’t do that anymore as my mum cooks dinners and I don’t always know what shes cooking but there are things i do eat like Cumberland sausages burgers chicken rice eggs bacon yoghurts but the low fat ones i eat scones toast bread but i eat the seeded bread from sainsburys i eat babybell
Most of the things you mention are not too bad so it may be portion size that is an issue, rice is high carb and you don't mention much in the way of vegetables and salads which are good options. Sausages and burgers are OK but look for the high meat content ones as otherwise they can have fillers loke rusk which is high carb.
No need to opt for low fat yoghurts as some, not all are high carb because of fruit puree or starches to improve the texture.
Any products with flour tend to be high carb so go easy on the scones and bread.
From your list you don’t mention any vegetables so a good place to start is increase your veg. About half of your plate should be veg and it’s good to eat a lot of different vegs
I do admit that I’m a poor veg and fruit eater which isn’t really good I used to eat watermelon mango pears lychee kiwi veg wise I’m not an potato fan but I like pasta sweet potatoes sweetcorn culliflower brockly hash browns I don’t eat mushrooms
I do admit that I’m a poor veg and fruit eater which isn’t really good I used to eat watermelon mango pears lychee kiwi veg wise I’m not an potato fan but I like pasta sweet potatoes sweetcorn culliflower brockly hash browns I don’t eat mushrooms
Some fruits are not too bad for carbs, berries are pretty good and watermelon also, mango is pretty high as are bananas.
Anything potato based is high carb even the sweet potatoes, but butternut squash is a good alternative. Go easy on sweetcorn and pasta and rice but cauliflower and broccoli are good.
Salads can be exciting and don't just have to be lettuce, cucumber and tomatoes.
Breakfast cereals are high carb so be careful of those.
You might find the book or app Carbs and Cals useful so you can compare the carb value of different options and portion sizes are suggested with the carb value and an illustration. Useful for your Mum if she is doing the cooking.
Welcome back @Samantha1987

How have things been going?

Did the change in your meds work out well?
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