New Year - Same Old Nonsense About Obesity

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Welcome to a new year and a new onslaught of anti-obesity messages from the establishment. To get us off to a good start, the Royal College of Physicians have just released their report 'Action on obesity: Comprehensive care for all'. The report mainly focused on the mish-mash of service provisions for obese individuals across the UK - something that is hard to argue with. Whether it matters at all is another matter entirely.

The amount of spin in this so-called professional document is making me so dizzy, I almost don't know where to begin, but I'll just concentrate on some of the most wildly misleading misrepresentations.

The report recommends "commissioning weight management services which have proven effectiveness." Good luck with that. No intervention for obesity has been proven to produce clinically significant and sustainable weight loss in the medium- to long-term. Not diet, not exercise, not behavioural interventions, not even bariatric surgery.
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