New type 2 and worrying over the little things - in this case, COVID vaccine mailing list generation

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi! So I'm newly diagnosed (December), and going through a bit of a phase of obsessing over things - which is kinda useful, as it means I'm learning loads and have made big diet changes. But, here's last night's "random thought in the dark of the night":

Diabetics are included in the Phase 1 vaccine priority, at roughly the same time as 60-65 year-olds. However, as I was only diagnosed in December, is there any way to check whether I will be included in that group? I'm thinking if they generated some list of people before I was diagnosed or something . . . anyone know a way to check?
However, as I was only diagnosed in December, is there any way to check whether I will be included in that group?
My guess is the list will be generated as they're printing the letters and that you don't need to worry.

To check you'll probably need to contact your GP surgery and then trust that whoever answers the phone knows (or can find someone that does); doesn't seem worth doing to me until it's actually started (presumably some time in March).
Most Diabetics were not included in the shielding group, the risk was still mainly age related.
Diabetics are in group 6

They are asking you not to bombard surgeries with calls and enquiring and that you just wait until you are contacted, they will now have you marked down as diabetic so pretty sure you'll be made aware when its time
Most Diabetics were not included in the shielding group, the risk was still mainly age related.
But they are included in the 'ordinarily vulnerable' which puts them in a group to be done with the 60-65 age group, still on the 'First phase' list, before they start on the under 50s generally.
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Diabetics are in group 6

They are asking you not to bombard surgeries with calls and enquiring and that you just wait until you are contacted, they will now have you marked down as diabetic so pretty sure you'll be made aware when its time
You type faster than me!
Yes, our surgery have issued a plea not to contact them, as they were getting so many incoming calls, they didn’t have enough free lines to make the calls out to the people they needed to contact to make vaccine appointments.
Nobody in the NHS can do anything whatsoever without entering it in your own medical record so it is all recorded centrally under your very own NHS number - which is exactly how Matt Hancock and his mate Robert J knew I was 'clinically extremely vulnerable' as well as having had my 70th birthday before anyone bothered to tell me! OTOH a GP did diagnose me with a degree of emphysema years ago and a normal chest Xray confirmed this - so yes I am - even though my husband with COPD and only a max of 50% lung capacity on a good day - is far ahead of me in terms of how actually life threatening Covid might be. (in my own view)

So - what is recorded against your NHS number, is recorded and is what is being used to generate all the Covid related anything either from the surgery of elsewhere in the NHS/Government, end of story!
Our NHS trust is doing it for us staff by cohort depending on if you are front-line or not, age, and how you fared on a risk assessment they put out a few months ago. Having gone from high to low risk overnight when my BMI dropped following a weekly weigh in, I'm now further down the queue than I would have been! My boss told me I should have kept the drop in BMI to myself rather than doing the assessment again 😉
I’m sure your appointment will come through @Feathers

Though I gather from the news this morning that not all 80s have been vaccinated in every area so some 70s will probably get their jab earlier than some 80s.

I guess some blending between the groups is more or less inevitable with a rapid rollout like this happening nationwide.
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