New Type 1.5

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Hi! I'm Liz and 19 years old 🙂

Basically I have been diagnosed as a Type 1 diabetic for the past two years even though I showed negative antibodies. Noone in my family are diabetic except my grandmother who is supposedly 'borderline' diabetic... In the first 6 months was taking 10 units of background insulin and 4/5 units of novorapid with meals. My levels really began to drop after a few months and looking back now i've also realised i wasn't eating and 'fixing' that with insulin, i was taking insulin then eating to accomodate for it.

I wasn't guided very well at all after diagnosis, nor was I even put in hospital. My surgery/clinic doctor chose my doses and that was the standard amount each day - again goes with the eating to accomodate for insulin. I think perhaps if I was put in hospital to begin with and my sugars taken down instantly then it would have helped with where I stand now.

So i've been off of insulin and not any any medication whatsoever for around two years now. My HbA1c last was 5.6%. Generally my levels stand between 5 - 9. I do not have a problem with keeping it down except after eating when it can shoot up to 15 but never any higher and normally this is after stuff like pasta or bread of sorts. The doctor I see at Hospital is always pleased with my readings and has always regarded this being a 'Honeymoon' period.

Here i'm going to mention I have coeliac disease, and have been since I was 5/6 this has meant my diet is pretty good since I cannot eat all the normal junk food that's about!! I'm not overweight either so my doctors have always said its impossible for me to be a Type 2. I also had the test (which i can never remember the name of) that showed how much of my pancreas was still in function; 70% or thereabouts.

So where I stand now, i've recently gotten a new doctor as i've moved away from home. He was totally flummexed when I came claiming to be a Type 1 without insulin or any medication. After some confusion he accidently came across an explanation in a phone call from a, I presume, higher up doctor. MODY, Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young. This has never been mentioned to me, i've never heard of it and all my new doctor could say about it was that he'd heard about it when studying and showed me a description out of a book. So I suppose it isn't definate that i'm this type 1.5 however it being said by my doctor makes it somewhat more legit, next step I suppose is official diagnosis...

Despite the fact none of my family are diabetic, it makes a lot of sense that this is what I am, has to start somewhere right? And i'm really glad to finally have an explanation though i'm not currently getting much help from my doctor at all :(
I'd like to be properly tested for this, i've done a lot of research and its pretty complex by the sounds of it.

I've been a member of another few boards where i've got some horrible replies from people regarding my situation, i'm just after some support. In a way it seemed as if they didn't believe MODY exists or that i ought to be a type 2 - why would i be when i'm young, healthy nor overweight. Sorry if that sounds judgemental.

just a sideline edit, new doctor also picked up on anemia which i've suspected for a few years now since a copy of my results stated I had below average of some blood count. crappy healthcare systems!
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Hi Lizdiz, we also have members who are MODY, so don't worry you will not get horrible posts from us! Diabetes is nowhere near as simplistic as some people would have us believe - it is an extremely complex disease manifesting itself in a huge variety of ways. You might be interested in this discussion:

Your situation is unusual, but not unheard of! If we can help in any way, please let us know, you are very welcome to post about your experiences and concerns 🙂
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Welcome to the forum Liz, whoah you have certainly been through it but I think you will find all the help and support you need on here, everyone is great. Be nice to hear more from you xxx
Hi Liz and the warmest of welcomes to this forum.
I'm confident that you won't experience the sort of negativity here, that you describe:(

I'm sure that others will speak with greater knowledge than me, but I'm surprised at a couple of the comments you have received:

The risk of T2 statistically increases with weight, but I have never heard that the two are inter-dependent.

I have certainly come across MODY - there have been many refs in recent threads to the increase of this in the UK. A quick look at the Diabetes UK site or even BBC health pages will show you more.

A GP i used to see (before I moved) used to ask me about any new developments in diabetes in an honest and frank way, cos he was the first to admit that I had a greater interest in it. He occasionally got to be smug if he knew something that I didn't - this was all tongue-in-cheek. To say that I was gutted to have to leave his practice is a huge understatement! It's a shame that not all GP's are as self-effacing about stuff ....

Good luck on getting the care and advice that (a) you deserve and (b) we are actually entitled to, under the NHS.
Welcome back to the forum Liz.

I have to say that my approach is not to worry too much about names for diabetes. It boils down to two things in my simplistic approach. How much insulin the pancreas is producing and how well the body uses it. A combination of the two yields the diabetic variety that we see.

But that's just me! :D

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Welcome to the forum Liz! 🙂 x
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