New to Type 2


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, I was diagnosed with type 2 about 10 days ago (at a level of 65). I am seeing my doctor on Wednesday to start my plan, the nurse thinks it will be medication and the shake diet. I must admit I feel up and down and have definitely changed my eating habits and feel it’s a long journey but I am determined to head towards remission… head just feels full of it all at the moment
Hi, I was diagnosed with type 2 about 10 days ago (at a level of 65). I am seeing my doctor on Wednesday to start my plan, the nurse thinks it will be medication and the shake diet. I must admit I feel up and down and have definitely changed my eating habits and feel it’s a long journey but I am determined to head towards remission… head just feels full of it all at the moment
Welcome to the forum, your HbA1C is well into the diabetes zone but not so high that a change of diet and maybe medication will not be successful. Many have started with much higher than that.
There are several different approaches that people try but whatever they choose has to be enjoyable otherwise it will not be sustainable. Some find the soups and shakes gives them a kick start but the there is the transition to real food and I personally don't think they re-educate you into making good food choices which something like a low carb approach does.
But it is your choice about what you try. But I found the approach in this link very easy and it is now my new way of eating.
Thank you for your reply, I am looking forward to seeing what approach my GP suggests, I suppose it is quite an individual journey and am enjoying reading different stories and views on the forum, it’s good to know the support is here.
Thank you for your reply, I am looking forward to seeing what approach my GP suggests, I suppose it is quite an individual journey and am enjoying reading different stories and views on the forum, it’s good to know the support is here.
It is definitely worth looking around the forum and at the different links as it might give you some ideas of what questions to ask. It is a good idea to write a list and take a note book so you can jot things down as it is easy to forget.
Let us know how you get on with your appointment. Sometimes Nurses are a bit negative when it comes to allowing people an opportunity to make some lifestyle changes before prescribing medication.
That’s a great idea to take a notebook, I think it’s easy to be overwhelmed so thank you, will definitely do that!!
That’s a great idea to take a notebook, I think it’s easy to be overwhelmed so thank you, will definitely do that!!

Hope your appointment goes well @Mandyc68

Let us know what they suggest 🙂
Hi, I was diagnosed with type 2 about 10 days ago (at a level of 65). I am seeing my doctor on Wednesday to start my plan, the nurse thinks it will be medication and the shake diet. I must admit I feel up and down and have definitely changed my eating habits and feel it’s a long journey but I am determined to head towards remission… head just feels full of it all at the moment
Firstly Good Luck - take the support you have been offered not everyone gets it - My HbA1c was 81 (but I was not told this until I asked later) I was put on meds, sent a few links and told to retest in 3 months - I have since spoken to a doctor during a consultation for a knee injury - an I doing the right things Take the support - Eat Clean and you have got this.