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Jude Murphy

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi everyone!

I am Jude and I am 21 years old. I have had Type 1 Diabetes since I was 15 and for me it has all been a bit of a rollercoaster with many ups and downs!

Just joined here to learn and hopefully connect with some people who also fight this disease each day 🙂
Hi Jude

I don't fight my diabetes very often cos I've trained it to behave nicely and live peacefully with me - can't stand tantrums! I have had to learn how to do that of course - and I use every resource available to me for my 'CPD'.
Hi Jude

I don't fight my diabetes very often cos I've trained it to behave nicely and live peacefully with me - can't stand tantrums! I have had to learn how to do that of course - and I use every resource available to me for my 'CPD'.
I have good day and bad days with my Diabetes but I think that is just normal! I do intense exercise 4 times a week so this tends to make my Diabetes behave slightly abnormal. Just taking each day at a time and learning more from my trends!

Any help on this topic or just helpful tips in general are greatly appreciated!! Would love to be at the comfortable stage you are at with my Diabetes some day 🙂
Welcome to this great, useful forum, better late than never I guess? 😉

I too am considering intense exercise again, but am wary of the effect it will have, even though I am only type 2.
Hello and welcome 🙂
What insulins are you on?
There are some members on here who run marathons, cycle etc, so hopefully someone will be along soon who can help you.
Welcome Jude from a T2.
welcome Jude, glad you found us - sadly I am lazy - so am no use for advice regarding intense exercise - I don't think knitting or dog walking counts!
welcome Jude, glad you found us - sadly I am lazy - so am no use for advice regarding intense exercise - I don't think knitting or dog walking counts!
Thank you! I'm excited to learn more about all areas so any tips are greatly appreciated 🙂
Hi Jude, welcome to the forum.

When I was on MDI, using Levemir and Novorapid, I found that various levels of exercise were quite difficult to manage. This was a main driver for me switching to a pump, as I can now temporarily turn down the background insulin, in addition to topping up with glucose, or reducing bolus.

There is a lot of advice on a site called runsweet, with details of a variety of forms of aerobic and anaerobic exercise.
Hi Jude, welcome to the forum.

When I was on MDI, using Levemir and Novorapid, I found that various levels of exercise were quite difficult to manage. This was a main driver for me switching to a pump, as I can now temporarily turn down the background insulin, in addition to topping up with glucose, or reducing bolus.

There is a lot of advice on a site called runsweet, with details of a variety of forms of aerobic and anaerobic exercise.
OK I will take a look on there - Thank you!
Hey Jude, welcome to the forum. 🙂 I think a lot of us know the rollercoaster feeling. A number of us on here do exercise of one form or another - have a look on the sports/exercise section. Agree with SB - the Runsweet site is excellent. Do you use a Libre? If not they are very useful particularly when doing exercise in seeing what's going on with your blood glucose levels.
Hey Jude, welcome to the forum. 🙂 I think a lot of us know the rollercoaster feeling. A number of us on here do exercise of one form or another - have a look on the sports/exercise section. Agree with SB - the Runsweet site is excellent. Do you use a Libre? If not they are very useful particularly when doing exercise in seeing what's going on with your blood glucose levels.
Hi Matt, thanks!
No I don't use the Libre - hoping at my next consultation I can get approved it from consultant as it is just too expensive for me to maintain on my own... here's hoping! Do you use a Libre?
Hi Matt, thanks!
No I don't use the Libre - hoping at my next consultation I can get approved it from consultant as it is just too expensive for me to maintain on my own... here's hoping! Do you use a Libre?

Only very occasionally (5-6 a year) although I have got one on at the moment. Our CCG is considering whether to prescribe them or not at the moment. I have a clinic appointment next week so hoping to get an update then. Hope you get one. 🙂 It may be worth asking the DSN's as well as they sometimes run trials and you would be able to see how you get on with it.
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