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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I am 69 year old t2 diabetic
II was taking 2 metformin
1 gliclazide
I am in to my third mth of taking
Ozempic pen I am now on 1mg
And just take 2 metformin
The thing is I can feel quite nauseous at times since taking it but I was hoping my body would get used to it
I am going to try 1 mg for the 3 months to then get bloods checked
They can still be high
10 sometimes 12 so not reduced much ,my diet is ok as I don't feel like eating much
Just wondering if anyone had symptoms and if so did they last long
Thank you for any advise
Hi @Flowers, welcome to the forum. I'm also a T2, diagnosed at the end of October. I don't know anything about Sitagliptin, gliclazide or Ozempic, but one of the side effects of metformin can be nausea. It might be worth mentioning to your diabetic nurse or GP to see if they can look at your medications and either give you something to help with the nausea, or see if they can offer any advice.
Do you know what your HbA1c value was when you were diagnosed? It's what the GP uses to diagnose diabetes, it's the degree of glucose in your blood for the last few months.
You still need to keep eating to keep your strength up, and to balance out the gliclazide, which is trying to reduce your BG levels by increasing insulin production. Are there any foods which are easier to eat or more palitable for you if you're feeling sick? I'm thinking something like soup is easy to make and eat. Or something you can pick at, like a portion of blueberries or raspberries?
Hope you manage to find some answers, I'm sure the other forum members will have some ideas,
Best wishes, Sarah
Hi Sarah
Thank you for quick reply
I have been on metformin for nearly 10 years now
But maybe the new mixture
I am eating fruit and the odd light lunch
So will try to persevere for now
Just wanted someone to say they were the same and it felt ok after time
Hi Sarah
Thank you for quick reply
I have been on metformin for nearly 10 years now
But maybe the new mixture
I am eating fruit and the odd light lunch
So will try to persevere for now
Just wanted someone to say they were the same and it felt ok after time
I've just googled for the side effects of Ozempic, and is says:
During treatment with this medicine, you may feel sick (nausea) or be sick (vomiting), or have diarrhoea.

So as you were on metformin before, and still are, I'm suspecting that the ozempic is making you feel ill. Hopefully someone else who takes it will be able to advise if it settles down after a while. If it doesn't, you need to call your GP and see if they can review your medications, as it's not good that you're not wanting to eat much because of it.

Hopefully someone can let you know their experiences of taking it.
I hope you get it sorted, as it must be horrible feeling sick all the time. Sarah
Hi and welcome

Sorry to hear you are feeling rough with the new medication. Nausea and vomiting is a well know side effect I believe as well as lack of appetite which is partially how it works I believe. As regards what you are eating, can you give us an idea of how much fruit you are having in a day and what type and what a light lunch consists of. Also, what you are drinking?

Many of us just have a small portion of berries as our daily source of fruit because they are the lowest carb fruit. If you are eating bananas and oranges and grapes etc then these are high carb fruits and will not be helping your BG levels, especially if you are having several portions a day
Hi there @Flowers
Hope you get the advice your seeking, and get your blood sugars more normal

You say you eat a lot of fruit, are you sure it’s not the fruit that’s causing your sugars to be high?
I found it helped cutting down on fruit (substituted the fruit with berries & nuts)

like yourself I’m on both Ozempic & Metformin
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