Hi Natalie. Welcome to the forum. Like others I have learnt so much from others on this forum. Any question I have asked has been answered, and when I have struggled there has been help on hand. It is good to have access to such knowledgable people.
I first met others with T1 when I went on an education course called Dose Adjustment For Normal Eating (DAFNE). As well as meeting others in the same position and just being able to ask all those day to day questions I learnt so much about carb counting, managing exercise and sick day rules. Have you been able to go on a course?
The diabetes teams in the hospitals are generally great and those in GP surgeries not so good, as they are often not specialists. Do you have access to a consultant and/or DSN?
A book that I was recommended on here, which I resisted buying initially because of the cost, but having seen it I splashed out on it is, Type 1 in Children, adolescsnts and young adults. I am in no way youg (60s) but I have learnt so much from reading it, and keep going back to it. It includes a lot of the advice that I have had from people on here as well as lots of reminders about things I have been told before and forgotten. I have only had T1 for 8 years and still remember the shock at diagnosis and how it seemed so difficult at the start. I still get to screaming pitch sometimes but in general it is now just part of my new normal.
Is there anything in particular that we can help you with at the moment.