Hi, I was recently diagnosed with T2D with a Hba1c of 99. Commenced on 2g Metformin which has had to be decreased to 1500mg recently due to cramps and persistent diahorea. My GP surgery nurse did my bloods and basically told me not eat “sweet stuff and fish suppers” and sent me on my way. I feel cast adrift with no information or education and have no idea what is safe to eat or not. I am totally gutted at my diagnosis. Should I buy a BG monitor device for use to guide me?
Well - that advice is a fat lot of use - For many type 2s reducing the carbs in the diet is the key - it isn't the sugar, nor is it fast food.
If you are an uncomplicated type 2, start off by making a list of the starches and sugars you eat and maybe send off for a blood testing meter and some test strips - I used a Spirit Healthcare tee 2 + in the first few months, after that I didn't really need it, so don't over order strips. You can get them free of VAT as you are a diagnosed diabetic.
A set of kitchen scales you can reset to zero is useful - the electronic kind I mean.
If you start off with the high carb foods - bread, potatoes, things made with grain, you can either eliminate or reduce them from a meal - try a 'normal' meal and test just before starting to eat and 2 hours later. Decide what change you want to make and do the same test - if you experiment for a little while you might well find where you could make changes to you blood glucose day on day.
I have a notebook with the carb count - grams of carb per 100 gm of the foodstuff, of things which are quite low, and I used to have some shopping lists of things to buy to make the menu variable - I still rarely buy mushrooms and tomatoes in the same trip to the shops.
The Metformin and Atorvastatin I was prescribed at diagnosis made me so ill, so me (being me) just tossed them in the bin as it was Christmas and I got a professional quality carpet cleaner as a present. Oh well - I did need it, I suppose.