New to pumping

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Good morning, I've been diabetic for 24 years (49 years old) and I had a telephone consultation with my consultant (covid is back in the local hospitals) and he's finally offered to refer me for a pump. I have a Libre 2 already. He has suggested that I go for a medtronic? so looking for your advice and experiences please
Welcome @Holistichands1975 🙂 I’ve been pumping for more than 20 years. If I were you, I’d look at all the pumps your clinic offers (phone them and ask if you don’t know). My consultant is fantastic but I find the Pump DSN knows more about pumps.
Thank you Inka. My consultant has said he's referring me to the pump nurse. not sure how long it will take though for the appointment to come through. Had a look online at my trust and nothing is showing. So thought I would ask you guys
I doubt the list of pumps they offer would be online @Holistichands1975 You could phone the Diabetes Dept and ask, saying that you want an initial look at them online and to do a bit of reading, so you’re prepared before your pump nurse appointment.

I wouldn’t choose a Medtronic but that’s just me. It’s an individual decision. We all have different preferences, different lifestyles, different needs and different things that are priorities for us.
ooh I didn't think if ringing them in preparation. thank you I'll do that tomorrow and see if they will send me some details

Just ask for the names of the pumps they offer (write down the full name inc any letters or numbers after the brand, eg Pump 150, Tech D**) and just jot them down @Holistichands1975 You can then Google and do your own research 🙂

** I just made up those pump brands as examples
I am using the 780 Medtronic and their sensor in a closed loop. Love it. Their new sensor Simplera Sync will have a built in transmitter and overcome some of the fiddling as of putting it in. The best bits about closed loop is lots of sleep, a lot less work on my part and better TIR. Would not want to go back.
fabulous thank you. I've wanted a pump for years but never have been offered one and suddenly he said have you thought of a pump? I nearly danced round the office at work
to be honest I don't know. he asked if I had considered a pump and he would refer me to the pump nurse. He suggested that I went for mentronic the artificial pancreas as it would work with my libre 2

Whichever pumps are offered look them up on YouTube, loads of great info on there from people who use various pumps around today.

Did that myself whilst making change over, now been pumping for last 11 years & don't regret it for one moment.
to be honest I don't know. he asked if I had considered a pump and he would refer me to the pump nurse. He suggested that I went for mentronic the artificial pancreas as it would work with my libre 2

I thought the Medtronic looped with their own sensors, as described by @SB2015 above but I don’t know what’s planned for the future. There are a number of different loops you could choose, eg with the Dana pump (the pump I have), the T Slim (I think) and others too.
He suggested that I went for mentronic the artificial pancreas as it would work with my libre 2
That sounds like HCL (hybrid closed loop) to me if they are saying it works with your Libre.
Medtronic seems to be the most common pump so you read more complaints about it. Just like Samsung is the most common phone and Libre is the most common CGM so you get more complaints about them.
However, I also recommend asking what pumps they can offer and do your own research. YouTube is pretty good for checking out different pumps. But don't get excited and make tor decision until you have spoken to them in case you decide on something not available in your clinic.
For example, my clinic offered only Medtronic or MDI. I really really had to push hard with second pump to get something else but I have been alone with no assistance from the clinic which suits my but I would not recommend for a first pump.
The Medtronic 780 pump can be used stand alone.
You would need to use Medtronic’s own sensor (Guardian 4 and later this year Simplera Sync) to have the alerts and suspend features available, and if you are using that it makes more sense to use the Hybrid Closed Loop (artificial pancreas). Any questions that arise happy to help.

As @nonethewiser has said whichever pump you choose for your first one you will find it such a positive change: basal matched to what you need hour by hour and the facility to change it temporarily, the ability to deliver bolus insulin in different ways: all up front or split. It was a massive bonus for me when I switched from MDI to a pump.

Let us know how you get on