New to pump but moving house in a month!!!!

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I would be grateful for any advice on choosing a new clinic / hospital in the Gnosall area borders of Shropshire & Staffordshire.
I was diagnosed type 1 in Jan 2013 & have just started on a pump everything a bit new at the moment but added to that we are moving from Surrey to Gnosall soon so I am trying to find the best hosp & clinic to continue my care. I am currently under cedar centre at the Royal Surrey hosp which is really good and I feel comfortable there so am a bit scared of the impending move!! So if anyone is in the gnosall area & can give me some advice I would be really grateful
No help but did want to welcome you to the forum :D
Hi Wendy, perhaps look on the INPUT web sight as that has a list of pump friendly clinics.

Do make sure you have at least 3 months worth of supplies before you moves as a new CCG will be involved so they need to sort out funding which takes time.
Hi Wendy, perhaps look on the INPUT web sight as that has a list of pump friendly clinics.

Do make sure you have at least 3 months worth of supplies before you moves as a new CCG will be involved so they need to sort out funding which takes time.
Many thanks for the info sue will look at that site
Hi Wendy - I worked with a lady with your name years ago - she lived in Coventry (though I didn't at that time) and her 2nd husband was a fireman. Ringing any bells at all?
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