New to pump and now a COLD!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Grr, why o why would this have to happen to me!

Second week in and I get a darn head cold, sugars crept up yesterday(put a temp basal in) and then today I've been doing nothing but hypos!

Do colds also cause lower BG's? Or could it be the hotter weather or could it be pregnancy? (Does anyone know how long into a pregnancy when the lower BG's start? ie first days, first week, first month)

So fed up but I think it is more to do with how my cold is making me feel rather than the pump/basal rates!:(

Just wanted to say Millie running very low too at present. Hope you get to the bottom of it and those BGs level off 🙂 Typical getting something added to the mix when you are just starting out !
I've taken shedloads of all my basals and my bolus ratio since last month Suze. Still having hypos but nearly sorted now.

Wish someone would shoot that ruddy thing with the wings and the wand !
Its called ---- Law. I think 🙄 Hope things get sorted 🙂
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