New to insulin.

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi everyone. I have just been told I need to start on insulin as well as my existing tablets. I will be on Humulin, 10 units once a day. Not sure what to expect. Does any of you knowledgeable folks have any advice or tips. Like should I carry a card, or wristband etc. I have been diet only for 8 years, but numbers have gradually been creeping up and although latest HBA1C was slightly down to 58, before that it was in 60s, and Dr thought I am struggling a bit so hence the insulin.
What are your experiences with injecting etc.
Hi everyone. I have just been told I need to start on insulin as well as my existing tablets. I will be on Humulin, 10 units once a day. Not sure what to expect. Does any of you knowledgeable folks have any advice or tips. Like should I carry a card, or wristband etc. I have been diet only for 8 years, but numbers have gradually been creeping up and although latest HBA1C was slightly down to 58, before that it was in 60s, and Dr thought I am struggling a bit so hence the insulin.
What are your experiences with injecting etc.
What other medications are you taking, what sort of diet have you been following as you may need to review that if you are going to start insulin.
I hope you have a monitor and strips on prescription and know about having hypo treatments to hand at all times as well as your monitor.
Some people do carry a medialert of some sort.
Hi everyone. I have just been told I need to start on insulin as well as my existing tablets. I will be on Humulin, 10 units once a day. Not sure what to expect. Does any of you knowledgeable folks have any advice or tips. Like should I carry a card, or wristband etc. I have been diet only for 8 years, but numbers have gradually been creeping up and although latest HBA1C was slightly down to 58, before that it was in 60s, and Dr thought I am struggling a bit so hence the insulin.
What are your experiences with injecting etc.

Which Humulin will you be taking @MaggieMay ? There should be a letter and/or numbers after the word Humulin.

You’ll need to tell the DVLA if you drive. Injecting is ok. The pen needles are very fine. You’ll probably be started on less insulin than you need and this will gradually be increased.
Hi. Have you also controlled the carbs in your diet. Taking insulin if having too many carbs could cause weight gain and not be that effective if you have any insulin resistance. I assume you have a glucose meter which will be essential when taking insulin to avoid hypos.
Thanks for your replies. I am on Canagliflozin 300mg, Sitagliptin 25mg and gliclozide 40mg,(reduced from 80mg now). I have been following a low carb diet for the last 8 years which I find ok, I’ve got used to not having rice, potatoes pasta etc now so that will continue I assume. Although the Dr did say I should have more carbs once I start insulin, but I’m reluctant if it puts weight on. I shall have to see how it goes. I have been testing anyway for a number of years, self funded, but now have been issued with everything. I have notified the DVLA and my car insurance co, although they said they didn’t need to know. The insulin is Humulin I, and I will have to inject 10 units at night. Anything else you lovely people think I should do would be appreciated.
Ok - Humulin i is a longer-acting insulin that works away in the background to control your blood sugar. It should help control your blood sugar overnight if you’re taking it in the evening. It’s likely your 10 units will be adjusted after they see how you respond to it. You might need more, you might need less.

Are you overweight? It’s not insulin that causes weight gain. It’s insulin resistance that’s the issue. Please don’t be put off the insulin because of that. I’m Type 1 and have taken insulin for more than 30 years and I’m very slim.
Hi, as Inka says insulin itself does not cause weight gain. It's a hormone that enables the body to use carbs. I have no idea why your Dr said to have more carbs with insulin. Next time you see him ask him why - fine if you want to gain weight and possibly insulin resistance.
Hi, as Inka says insulin itself does not cause weight gain. It's a hormone that enables the body to use carbs. I have no idea why your Dr said to have more carbs with insulin. Next time you see him ask him why - fine if you want to gain weight and possibly insulin resistance.
And I'm perfectly certain he'd have said it because of the danger of hypoglycaemia!!!!
That’s all reassuring, I’m not overweight, I lost 1 1/2 stone over the last year, doc says probably because sugars are too high and I’m too slim now, (after years of WW and Slimming World, with no success). So I do t mind putting a little weight on, as long as it’s only a few pounds. I was told to keep jelly babies with me in case of hypos.

Thanks guys, you have been very helpful. I will let you know how I get on when I start taking it in a few days time.
And I'm perfectly certain he'd have said it because of the danger of hypoglycaemia!!!!
Yes, he might say that but the real answer is to adjust the insulin to an amount that doesn't risk a hypo
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