New to Diabetes UK


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
After years of pretending I could go it alone, I have finally bitten the bullet and joined Diabetes UK. I am currently working with my GP surgery and the Lifestyle Club on a low carb programme to try and bring my blood glucose under control.
Welcome to the forum, there is a lot of knowledgable folks here, so any questions just fire away.
(Providing HbA1c and details of any meds helps answers be more applicable to yourself)
After years of pretending I could go it alone, I have finally bitten the bullet and joined Diabetes UK. I am currently working with my GP surgery and the Lifestyle Club on a low carb programme to try and bring my blood glucose under control.
What sort of levels have you been seeing? Low carb has worked for many of us, sometimes with medication and sometimes without. I haven't come across the Lifestyle Club but it's good that your surgery is supporting your efforts.
What sort of levels have you been seeing? Low carb has worked for many of us, sometimes with medication and sometimes without. I haven't come across the Lifestyle Club but it's good that your surgery is supporting your efforts.
HBa1C was 83 in April but down to 63 in July. I paid for Freestyle Libre for three months and the records show that my blood glucose levels seem to be coming down quite quickly with the latest estimated Levels down to near 48.
Hello there @Barneys_Dad and welcome to the forum.Judging by your post you're doing extremely well so well done.
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HBa1C was 83 in April but down to 63 in July. I paid for Freestyle Libre for three months and the records show that my blood glucose levels seem to be coming down quite quickly with the latest estimated Levels down to near 48.
That's a good, steady drop so well done with that. What medication are you on?
That's a good, steady drop so well done with that. What medication are you on?
Currently on Metformin (1g) with Alogliptin (12.5mg). It was the threat of a change in medication that provided the spur this time. This combined with an introduction to the Lifestyle Club from the Public Health Collaboration provide an impetus.
Welcome! Doing well and heading in the right direction, keep it up!
Welcome to the forum @Barneys_Dad

Sounds like you are making great progress. Well done!

Quite a few folks here have joined the forum at some sort of point of change - either a new diagnosis, or some other event, or catalyst that gives them questions, or the feeling that they need to Do Something Differently.

It was something like that which brought me to forums several decades ago - and I’m still finding them as helpful as ever, and learning new things all the time.

Just having a space where you can ask questions, share experiences, disasters, and triumphs, along with ranting, venting, and letting off steam among people who instinctively ‘get it’ is such a huge help when living with a demanding, fickle and frustrating condition like diabetes.

Glad to have you aboard!