New to Diabetes, New to the Forum

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I only found out that I have diabetes last month, and I am trying to learn and adjust to my new life with it. As it was undiagnosed for quite a while I have to undergo a lot of investigations into all sorts of related problems that are catching up with my body.
Try not to be too concerned as the effects of high glucose can be reversed - with any luck.
After I went back to eating low carb it was like coming up for air after a deep dive.
Not only has my metabolism got up and going again, but my thyroid, which stopped working long before diagnosis of type 2 has perked up and my dose of Thyroxine, which had been the same for many years has needed to be reduced.
Try not to be too concerned as the effects of high glucose can be reversed - with any luck.
After I went back to eating low carb it was like coming up for air after a deep dive.
Not only has my metabolism got up and going again, but my thyroid, which stopped working long before diagnosis of type 2 has perked up and my dose of Thyroxine, which had been the same for many years has needed to be reduced.
Thanks for sharing your experience. Initially I lowered my carbs too much, so I had to learn to find the right proportion.
Thanks for sharing your experience. Initially I lowered my carbs too much, so I had to learn to find the right proportion.
Do you mean too suddenly - it can be a shock to the system, and can induce 'wobblies' - but we don't actually need carbs and can adapt to fat burning with a little caution.
I did not use caution - just went back to the 50 gm of carb a day which I knew from doing Atkins type eating, and which I knew suited me very well - we got the results at the last of three type 2 'education' sessions run by a team from the local hospital - I was not popular at all.
Do you mean too suddenly - it can be a shock to the system, and can induce 'wobblies' - but we don't actually need carbs and can adapt to fat burning with a little caution.
I did not use caution - just went back to the 50 gm of carb a day which I knew from doing Atkins type eating, and which I knew suited me very well - we got the results at the last of three type 2 'education' sessions run by a team from the local hospital - I was not popular at all.
I was always low on carbs even before being diagnosed with diabetes but I had cut down too much initially. I was told I need a minimum amount of carbs to do with the release. It is still a big learning curve. My hospital offered an Eddi course and in September they have more in depth learning about various aspects.
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