New Tabs

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Yesterday was time for my eight monthly check-up at the diabetic unit, West Suffolk Hospital.
The doctor has put me on a new tablet (as well as Metformin & injected insulin).
Its called Forxiga Dapagliflozin 10mg. (1 per day) Made by AstraZeneca.
Anyone have any experience of these little beasties ?

Paul G
Yesterday was time for my eight monthly check-up at the diabetic unit, West Suffolk Hospital.
The doctor has put me on a new tablet (as well as Metformin & injected insulin).
Its called Forxiga Dapagliflozin 10mg. (1 per day) Made by AstraZeneca.
Anyone have any experience of these little beasties ?

Paul G
Loads of people take those, usually the second med to be tried if metformin is not sufficient as well as diet of course. They encourage the kidneys to excrete excess glucose via urine. Watch out for UTIs and make sure you drink plenty of fluids.
If you are taking insulin then maybe it is that regime that needs tweaking so your blood glucose level is not to high.
Yup, reduces blood glucose a bit and no side effects. If you put Dapagliflozin into the forum search box you should get a few hits - that is assuming everybody mentioning it spelt it the same way!
I was switched to these last September, from Canagliflozin, under advisement from the NHS. They make you pee out excess glucose. So if you dip stick your urine regularly, don't panic when glucose is high. You are advised to drink plenty of fluid (I drink around 3 litres a day mainly water and peppermint tea). You are also advised not to go too low on daily carbs (don't go Keto). I have 75-90gm carbs daily, sometimes more but usually stay under 130gm a day. I have no ill effects, no signs of hypos.
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