New tablets

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello everyone, just been put on new tablets called empagliflozin. Has anyone had any problems taking them. Thanks.
Yeah gave me DKA. Read the leaflet and be aware of the symptoms to look for.
Hello everyone, just been put on new tablets called empagliflozin. Has anyone had any problems taking them. Thanks.
The advise is to make sure you drink plenty of fluids as that medication encourages the kidneys to excrete excess glucose via urine so will usually involve plenty of loo visits so you need to make sure you don't get dehydrated.
Is this the first medication you have been put on or are you taking others as well.
What is your diet like as that will be an important factor in reducing blood glucose.
What is you HbA1C, fairly high if you have been put on that medication.
Thanks for replying to me, you have said exactly what my nurse has told me. She gave me other options with tablets, but this one seemed the one with least reaction to my body.
Thanks for replying to me, you have said exactly what my nurse has told me. She gave me other options with tablets, but this one seemed the one with least reaction to my body.
Did she also give you any dietary advise?
Many find a low carb approach successful but that is suggested as being around 130g per day especially with that medication where very low carb or keto is NOT advised
This link may give you some ideas for a low carb regime
Empagliflozin caused me all sorts of problems, the worst being unable to stay standing without sudden falling to the left. Not vertigo, I would be walking normally and for unknown reason suddenly start falling to the left , no vertigo feelings just falling able to catch myself, with vertigo I can't it happens too quickly. Had to use walking sticks to catch myself. Three hours after taking I would pass out, missing hours at a time. Couldn't drive for fear of passing out. Trialed it for 6 months because it was the last oral medication left to me and determined to get T2 under control. Ended up stopping it and finally going onto insulin, no more side effects.
I must say all medication effects me in extreme ways so not likely most people would encounter these side effects. Actually did 2 trials a month apart to prove it to my Dr, same results.
Don't let me put you off at least trialing it.
As I said I react badly to most medications. Been having problems with walking, hence pointing the finger at T2. Three days ago got to not being able to instruct the legs to move or take a step. Stood there quivering. Been telling my Dr it was getting worse but no reaction from her. I have been trialing Clonidine patches for my Blood pressure as once again can't take the oral meds after triyng every pill pushed at me. In a fit of dire straights I ripped off the BP patch being the last thing to eliminate. Twelve hours later I'm 39 again dashing around getting on with life. Able to stand, walk and even the hand eye co-ordination has returned No more falling to the left suddenly. To top it all off my insulin has started doing it's job after being in the 8's it is now in the 6's after eliminating the Bp patch.
I can cancel all thoughts of a wheelchair now.
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