New T2-Higher morning BS levels

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi. Since I was diagnosed in Nov 08, Metformin and diet have got my blood-sugar levels down from between 14-18, to around 8 most of the time. So far my lowest ever was 6.4, but I get some strange ones too.....

Sometimes the reading 2 hours after eating is almost the same as it was before, even when I've had carbs with the meal:confused:

And the strangest thing, which really bothers me, is that quite often my morning BS is HIGHER than it was the night before!!! I usually take it after 2 cups of coffee (no sugar, S/S milk). Don't function till after those. Could those 2 coffees push it up? Typical before bed might be 8; in morning often 10, also still 8 before coffees:confused:

I admit to being a night snacker. Cannot sleep on an empty stomach. But even then we are looking at 6-7 hours after last snack.

Had to fast for a blood test the other night. BS @ midnight (1 hr after snack = 8.7. BS @ 7.30am (8.5 hours after) was 8.6. I didn't cheat, so does anyone know what's going on??
Hi lyn,

It's a tricky business! Your blood sugar is pushed up not only by the food you eat, but also by the liver which slowly releases glucose into the bloodstream. This can increase as you sleep, so you can easily wake up higher than when you went to bed. It's the reason why Type 1's, who don't produce any insulin, have to have 'background' or basal insulin in order to cover this release.

Milk does contain carbs (lactose), but probably wouldn't have much effect on your overall sugar in a couple of cups of coffee, so it's more likely that other factors are at play - perhaps the metformin at that time isn't at it's most efficient?

Hope that helps!🙂
Thanks Northerner. Do you think I should worry about this?

I have a friend, more recently diagnosed than me and still fluctuating quite wildly in her BS levels. She is usually about 4-5 in morning (was 3 once!) after being 10-12 at bedtime. So hers are dropping a lot in the night.

I have NEVER had levels that low! I'm jealous!
It sounds like you're making good progress already, with levels coming down to around 8 from 14, so I don't think you should be worried. Do ask your healthcare team though, if things are nagging at you - there's no such thing as a silly question!🙂

Also, if your readings 2 hours after eating are the same as before eating that's good news, as it shows your body is dealing with the carb intake!
Hello New T2

I'm T2 and on Metformin. Like you my BS in the morning are higher than in the evenings. I'm usually between 5 and 6 morning and generally 4 and 5 in evening.

Given time your BS should come down more - mine did I was dianosed in April last year.

Good luck
Hello Lyn

Like you I have friends who also have Type 2 and I find their experiences are very different to mine. With one, I can have exactly the same meal as she does and my blood sugars will soar but hers won't - we've come to the conclusion that we are just different and probably at varying stages of progression as she doesn't need as much medication as I do. Another friend needs insulin to control her diabetes and is just getting her head round the challenges that has given her

16 months on from diagnosis, I still find I vary quite a bit depending on exactly what I've been doing (housework lowers my glucose levels more than walking for the same amount of time - much to my husband's delight!) or tired/stressed/ill. I'm just getting over a rather heavy cold, for example, and noted that my blood glucose was higher than usual for no apparent reason for a couple of days before I got any symptoms and then they've been all over the place whilst I was ill.

Over time, you will begin to identify what is unusual for you but I find this site and the supportive people who contribute so helpful in many ways. One example that springs to mind is dry skin - I thought it was just me and the effects of getting older but so many of us (including younger people with Type 1) have it that I felt I was NFAD (normal for a diabetic)

Take care

Hi. Since I was diagnosed in Nov 08, Metformin and diet have got my blood-sugar levels down from between 14-18, to around 8 most of the time. So far my lowest ever was 6.4, but I get some strange ones too.....

Sometimes the reading 2 hours after eating is almost the same as it was before, even when I've had carbs with the meal:confused:

And the strangest thing, which really bothers me, is that quite often my morning BS is HIGHER than it was the night before!!! I usually take it after 2 cups of coffee (no sugar, S/S milk). Don't function till after those. Could those 2 coffees push it up? Typical before bed might be 8; in morning often 10, also still 8 before coffees:confused:

I admit to being a night snacker. Cannot sleep on an empty stomach. But even then we are looking at 6-7 hours after last snack.

Had to fast for a blood test the other night. BS @ midnight (1 hr after snack = 8.7. BS @ 7.30am (8.5 hours after) was 8.6. I didn't cheat, so does anyone know what's going on??
Dear lynwill53,

You are experiencing the "Dawn Phenomenon", it is quite common in Type 2s when you have had it for several years. I have had it for many years and have recently discovered that a small whisky just before going to sleep stops it happening!

Regards Dodger
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Dear lynwill53,

You are experiencing the "Dawn Phenomenon", it is quite common in Type 2s when you have had it for several years. I have had it for many years and have recently discovered that a small whisky just before going to sleep stops it happening!

Regards Dodger

Nice idea but I don't like whisky lol....

I can go to bed with a reading of 8 and in the morning it can be 10 or 12...
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