New T2 Diagnosis - Conflicting Info

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all,

I'm T1 for 10 years, so this question is not related to me, but a colleague. I'm an admin on the Freestyle Libre Users group on FB, in case anyone knows me 🙂

A colleague has come up to me and told me that he's been informed that he's got D (16mmol/l spot test). He was prescribed Gliclazide by the doctor. He then went to see nurse and told not to take them (she couldn't work out why he was prescribed). He's going for a blood test tomorrow (A1C, I think). Nurse said that he's unlikely to be seen again before Christmas. His levels were 18.6 and 20.2 when I took them for him this morning. He's also got blurred vision. His symptoms came on rapidly (polyurea over weekend and some weight loss in the last month), but I would have thought he is probably prime T2 (slight worry about speed of onset).

I'm telling him that he needs to get himself into the doctor and on medication you think this is the right advice and does he need to be forceful? What should he be saying?

Thanks for your help and have a great Christmas.

Hi Nick, welcome to the group

Assuming that the 16 was a FBG reading then most likely he is D, the usual drug prescribed is Metformin before anything else (but we have has a few cases where Gliclazide was prescribed first). The weight loss is a little worrying (peeing a lot with those BG readings is expected), has he done a ketone test, normally this should be zero or trace.
If in doubt always go & see the Dr.
Hi tests apart from the blood glucose (not FBG) at the walk-in surgery. I've since had an update that it was the doctor at the walk-in clinic that prescribed gliclizide and the GP this am that said not to take it. The one this morning didn't check BG. I did it for my colleague and it came up as 18+ this am and then 20+ after lunch.
I would agree with you, if his levels are this high before he starts on the Christmas binge most of us have, they could quickly get to dangerous levels, so pushing for a proper diagnosis and treatment before Christmas would be sensible. There's always the risk that he's actually type 1, if it's come on this quickly.
Definitely IMHO this requires intervention, 20 is way too high even after eating, he should drink plenty of water to try & dilute the blood..... Perhaps A&E.... He shouldn't be driving at those levels
Hello there hope my situation helps....
I had a diabetes test at the pharmacy and the reading was high (17). Was advised to go to GP same day. This reading was on an empty stomach. The GP tested and it an hour later and it had gone down to 14.8. He immediately prescribed 2 x 500mg metformin to be taken today and to see the nurse Friday for help with diagnosis. He has sent off a blood test (A1C) today but said he is 99.9pc sure I am diabetic and said that the metformin would help me to feel not so tired or thirsty. He did say that if I lose some more weight and exercise regularly that he could reduce or stop meds. So, I think the 18 and 20 readings are definitely worrying and should be treated I would think. Good luck with helping your friend.
Thanks all...I've told him he must go to the docs in the morning...I'm surprised that they didn't see it as needing more urgent attention..his vision is blurred too. :-(
I was diagnosed with Hba1c of 117 so my average blood glucose over previous 3 months was 17+. Three days later at my first D clinic I had a finger prick test and was almost 15. I had been prescribed metformin 1 a day for a week upon diagnosis and up to 2 a day after a week.

I'm four weeks on now from diagnosis and using a low carb diet, medication and enthusiastic monitoring my levels started to drop. Now waking on fives and never above 8 after eating. It took me just over a week to be in single figures.

My eyesight was affected though I didn't realise it. I've gone from being slightly short sighted to having perfect distance vision but now need reading glasses. Optician has checked my eyes and thinks this is my correct prescription but wants to wait another month in case there are more changes.

I was told with such high levels I had been D for a long time but no one can say how long. I had radiotherapy a year prior to being diagnosed with diabetes and one of the side effect of this was increased thirst so took me a while to get it checked out.
Sometimes I despair!

Colleague went to doctor this morning after his blood test, because I told him that he must. He was told to continue not taking the Gliclizide and that they wouldn't do or prescribe anything until the blood test result comes back and that would be a week. I tested him again this morning - 18.1. He's been given no dietary advice. I just hope he's not T1!!
Hi Nick and welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear about you colleague. If I was him id stay at the dr's until I got seen!!!
Indeed...but he has seen one today...who said do nothing until the blood test result is back next week! I've told him about how to 'taste' ketones and if that happens to get himself to A&E...not much else I can do, I guess.
Might also be worth getting some ketone test strips from the chemist, just in case.
True...but he doesn't even have a meter!
You dont need a meter, get pee sticks to test for ketones
Oh, I see...didn't realise...I'll get him to do that.
I get mine in boots, just ask for them at the pharmacy counter. Very easy to use.
Yup - Ketostix, Nick. About a fiver a tub.

Stick changes colour after dipping (or being passed through the stream) which you match against the colour chart to see where you are. All instructions on the tub or in the leaflet in the box.
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