New sensor applied and blood found...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi everyone...hoping someone can reassure. I've just applied a new sensor in anticipation of my current one running out tomorrow morning at about 11 ( in the middle of a busy day) and I just brushed my arm across the new one to find blood on my hand. Having examined the senosr in the mirror I can see blood in the hole on the top of the sensor. Never had this before as far as I'm aware and just wondering if this is going to interfere with the functioning of the sensor or not?
I can just sense the anxiety levels rising slightly thinking of having to go through a day without a sensor working I've become that reliant on them.
Almost all of mine seep a spot or two of blood. I always blot them with a piece of tissue after application so that I don't get blood on my clothes. I never have any problems with them and in fact they are very reliable for me.
A bleeder is a reader. It shouldn't be a problem.

Haha! Just what I was going to say. Some people find sensors that bleed a little seem to perform better!
"A bleeder is a reader"...very good.
Just started up and all seems OK...although I've noticed it does smart a bit. Never had this happen before.
If it feels like it is pinching, it can be that you have just nicked a nerve and it will settle down in a day or two or it could be that a fine hair has got trapped in the adhesive and is just pulling a bit as you move your arm. Again, it should wear off.
"A bleeder is a reader"...very good.
Just started up and all seems OK...although I've noticed it does smart a bit. Never had this happen before.

I had a really sore Dex sensor the one before the one I‘m currently wearing. It read fine, but was very tender to touch throughout its lifespan. I can only think it was twinging something internally.

The current one can be poked and prodded with no pain at all.
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