New Quack Quack

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Morining all,

I've recently moved, registered with new GP a few weeks ago now.

On one of the forms for new patients it said if you have a condition like diabetes please make an appointment to see your doctor, I've held off until now to make sure they have all my history!

So I phoned up to make an appointment for next week, I've got a day off to get the chimney swept so thought I'd make good use of it!

They've got no appointments left of the pre-bookable type!?

So I have to phone up that day if I want to see my new "mate"

I dont' normally get bothered by this stuff but it has bothered me (polite word used here!) I accept I shouldn't have any preferential treatment but it because I'm a new patient?

Anyway maybe some of you kind people can remind me of the rules about getting a pre bookable appointment??


Not sure - but tell them your diabetic and you will be needing supplies as you dont want to be left without insulin etc..🙂Bev
Hi Rossi, I think it varies from surgery to surgery. At mine they can usually book you in if it's not urgent i.e two or three weeks ahead, but you're unlikely to get the doctor of choice if it's needed in the next couple of days. They have a number of 'slots' for each doctor and have to keep a certain number free for more urgent cases that call in needing someone that day - these normally go in the first ten minutes of the surgery opening (i.e. ring on the day, very early). It's annoying at my place because they have an answerphone that costs money to listen to and the only way you can be sure of getting through first and securing the appointment is to keep speed dialling the number till someone answers - last time it took me 15 goes!

My surgery also has a walk-in option where you wait and get to see a random doctor in about an hour. If it doesn't need to be a particular doctor, I'd be tempted to do that if they have something similar and you can't get a 'normal' appointment on the day. Personally, I like to see a particular GP about non-diabetes stuff and generally can book well in advance, but as far as diabetes stuff is concerned I don't really care as I know most of them anyway and have the DSNs and clinic to cater for my needs there.
Cheers you two.

I phoned back and explained I wanted to see someone to know how they work and how they deal with repeat scripts etc, she found an appointment with one of the partners (not one of the diabetic quacks) early morning of the day I was wanting!! How good is that!

Wahey!!! :D
well done on getting appointment sorted sounds weird saying well done for that lol,anyways the way my quacks work is I never get to see my GP unless it is diabetic related which these days it generally is lol, the nurse does my bloods etc etc , but when i do see GP i have had to wait for up to 2 weeks he always seems busy or on his holidays theres a good locum doc she is really nice but she knows nowt about my sitchoo and i have to tell her everytime i see her lol 🙄
You used to be able to get appointments for 'next week' but now it alway seems to be at least a 2 week wait. Why is everyone suddenly going to the doctors all the time? I don't get it.
I know the feeling...

However I live a 2 minute walk from the doctors. If I need to go I just turn up and say I'll be happy wait to be seen as like Northerner, it's almost impossible to get through on the blower.

The dragon (not Julie, she's very nice) behind the desk knows I won't be fobbed off with "we're full up" as I will lean across the counter and show her a gap on her appointments screen....

Which reminds me it's time to fax my repeat prescription request to the pharmacy....:D
The policy at my surgery is to phone at 8.30 am oon the day you want the appointment if you want to be seen before lunch, or at 2.0 pm for an afternoon appointment that day. There are a few (very few) appointments bookable in advance for each doctor at the practice, but generally it's all same day stuff.

i am lucky mine is a small practice and all the docs and nurses know me{i am never out of there lol}so i can get app when ever i need one i got one monday morning to complain so i will see if i get app quickly after that
if I want an appointment with our doc, I get hubby to phone and he says I'm diabetic. If there are no appointments and he's fed up with me moping around he tells them he's sending me on my own to hospital as someone has to be around for our youngster. On the whole it works, but it sometimes means someone else has to miss out. 'fraid we have six people for every appointment at our docs.
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