New Pumper 2 days in

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Well I have now been live since Monday and so far so good🙂.

The weirdest thing at the moment is not injecting with a pen, I keep thinking I have forgotten to do it, especially Lantus!

I can't believe how steady my sugars are staying at the moment 🙂

Got to start proper basal testing after Monday's appointment next week so will learn a bit more then
Sounds like you've made a great start Sharon! Hope the basal testing goes well for you 🙂
Thank you Northener.

I am new to the forum, so can I just check I am posting in the correct section or should I post in the General Message Board.

Sorry if I did it wrong, I thought I would check so I know for next time 🙂

Thank you
Hi Pink, pleased to hear you are now live 🙂 Don't be surprised or shocked when/if your numbers start to go all over the place after a few days.
Help yourself and your team by recording all your blood sugars and activities, food eaten etc., This will help to set up a better basal pattern for you.

Did you purchase the book pumping insulin by John Walsh? If not put it on your immediate must have list, well worth it's weight in gold.
Happy pumping.

Ps yes you are in the right forum. 🙂 It doesn't matter though if it's the wrong one as one of the lovely mods will move it for you. 🙂
Hi Pumper sue. Thanks for your reply, I am recording everything at the moment, I am expecting to get some strange results and really thought I would have already 😱 The pump nurse told me my Lantus could hang about for the first 24-48 hours so I guess this could be contributing to these steady numbers I am seeing at the moment.

I have recently downloaded the book you mention onto my IPad, I started to read it last week, but must say it all makes much more sense now🙂

Got loads to learn and I am really looking forward to the next few weeks.

Thanks for your response regarding where I put my post, at least if I get it wrong the mods will put it in the right place 🙂
Visions of the mods at their computers wearing their mod suits, mod shoes, mod jackets and mod trousers, with Lambrettas parked outside! 😛
When I started with the pump, the Lantus seemed to hang around for several days. I recall that it was still having an effect four days after the last jab. So, like others have said, don't be surprised or disheartened if things go a little haywire for a while.

The key thing is to get the basals right.
Visions of the mods at their computers wearing their mod suits, mod shoes, mod jackets and mod trousers, with Lambrettas parked outside! 😛

"Down at the tube station at midniiiiiiight... La la laaaaaaa..." :D
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