New pump...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all, just wanted to introduce myself. Started on pump therapy yesterday, and have the Roche combo. I'm facing the first big challenge tonight, as I have to cycle to work (45 mile round trip) and do an hour's training, and I'm a little nervous as to how it'll all go.
Hi Ergates, welcome to the forum 🙂 We've got a couple of people here on the combo so please feel free to ask any questions you may have. Hope everything goes well today - 45 miles is quite a journey, plus the training, are you in training for anything in particular? I would imagine temporary basals are the order of the day!
hi Ergates.... welcome to the forum 🙂
Hi Ergates, welcome to the forum 🙂 We've got a couple of people here on the combo so please feel free to ask any questions you may have. Hope everything goes well today - 45 miles is quite a journey, plus the training, are you in training for anything in particular? I would imagine temporary basals are the order of the day!

Thanks for the welcome folks! I'm feeling quite overwhelmed, so am actively trying to deal with as little as possible at one time so I can learn each thing well and thoroughly.

Yes, luckily I have only the one day of exercise to deal with for a bit, as other bits of life will be getting in the way for the next week. Hopefully this will make adapting to the pump a bit easier to deal with, as multiple days of hours of exercise makes for some pretty wild swings in insulin sensitivity. I sort of had a handle on that with MDI, but it's a whole new ball game now with a pump!!!

Just saw the John Walsh book recommendations, so will likely order that too.
Hi and a warm welcome to the forum Ergates.
Well that went OK! As I left I set a 7hr temporary basal rate of 50%, which was roughly in the ballpark, and tested about every hour or so. Just before I left I downed a Mars recovery drink (40g) and used the bolus calculator for that. An hour later I was at 4.8, so necked a sports gel (20g) and a little electrolyte (15g) with no bolus, and that got me home at 6.9.

I guess I should have reduced the bolus for the Mars drink, but the diabetes centre said to leave the exercise adjustment % for the moment in the bolus calculator.

When the 7hr temp basal rate ended, I started another one at 70% for another seven hours, and woke up at 7.4. All this for around 5 hours of exercising at low intensity. Does this seem sort of reasonable to you?

Training - nothing special, just winter long slow distance maintenance really.
Sounds like you handled that really well Ergates 🙂 I'm not a pumper, but to get such terrific levels so soon after starting with that level of activity is something you should be rightly proud of! I look forward to hearing more of your methods - I'm sure they will be most helpful to our other members 🙂
LOL, thanks! It's not me though, it's the diabetes centre that set it all up. I have the feeling I might screw up all their good work.

To be honest my control under MDI was not very good at all, so I'm super happy. Not only that, but last night's ride was the fastest this year, and I feel like a million bucks on the new regime.
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