New Pump but increased BG's

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Ellie Jones

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I opted to stay on the Combi pump. Programmed new pump last night, apart from pairing issues with my meter all seemed fine..

But, my blood glucose readings just haven't been right at all... They were in the 7's last night, just thought that this was down to how long I had my pump off trying to get it paired with my mete. So corrected.

This morning I woke up with a 7.4mmol/l, I'm normally in the 4 range, and it's not got any better at all.. Just taken another reading as wanted to have something to eat... and I've gone up to 9.4mmol/l rarely see any readings this high..

Any ideas whether a changing from one pump to another identical pump can cause issues?

I've checked for bubbles, set is looking fine, changed that last night and is clear of my waist band so no pressure being put on it!
Sounds a bit of a mystery. Perhaps it's a bit of temporary insulin resistance caused by having run a little higher for a while? Or do you think you could be coming down with a cold/flu etc.?
I'm sure that I'm not coming down with anything.. I actually expected to be watching out for hypo's today due to lag of 3 very busy/active days working...

I did phone Roche just to see what else I could check to rule a pump issue, but apart from saying to check the data held on the pump to ensure that it had received and carried out the bolus instructions, and saying had I checked the basal profile to ensure that I hadn't entered this wrong... (all checked) they weren't much help really.

Did try to get hold of my pump nurse but she's not in today, so it's not what I call an emergency so left a message to ask her to ring me Monday. Hopefully it will be settled by then.
Oh Heck! Good luck Ellie. I'd be stumped!
Goodness knows what yesterday was all about, but today everything seems to be back to normal phew...
Oh well that's good. Sometimes it's just a mystery 🙂
Phew, glad everything's back to normal 🙂
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