new on pump eek! lots of lows

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hi all our son has been put on the pump and he loves it! but we have been having some strange reading's when he does exercise, i understand everyone is different etc but what do you guys do if your child etc is going for a walk/pe/etc?
we are totally new to it and at the moment we are lost as he is having several lows :(

Thanks guys


We were advised by pump team that if it's planned like PE session/bike ride, to reduce the basal (using the temp basal) an hr before, during and after the exercise (tweaked depending on intensity and duration of said activity, often 30% lower).

If there is something planned shortly after a meal (and bolus) my daughter will need a small reduction on the meal bolus as the exercise will make it quite potent. Sometimes this can be the case with exercise before eating as well.

If activity is a bit more spontaeneous we give free carbs like a small buscuit or jelly baby to avoid any hypo's.

I'm not a child🙂 but went on the pump a few months ago and had lows when walking my dog for 30 minutes. It took me a while to work out what to do. It will obviously differ from person to person and the type of exercise. Provided that my BG is 5 or 6 1.5 hours before the start of the walk I reducemy temporary. Basal rate to 0 for an hour. Then 30. Minutes before the walk I change the temporary basal to 50 per cent and leave it at that for the walk. I then return to normal basal at the end of the walk and correct if it has gone above 7. But it has been trial and error working out what is the best TBR for this exercise🙂 I'm glad to say that I now. no longer need to eat for the walk and. Neither do I have Hypos because of the walk.
As said everyones different but you can now do a temp basal with a pump
When I first started on the pump I had the dreaded hypos too, it was a nightmare!

This is what works for me but will need to be adapted for the length and type of exercise your child does. I prefer to reduce my meal bolus by 30%, I eat one wine gum at the start of exercise so when I go for a 2 hour walk, which I class as moderate exercise, I will reduce my basel to 0.025 units per hour. I test before, during and at the end of exercise.

Insulin, exercise and blood sugars is very induvidual to the person and what works for me may not work for someone else, but I hope this helps.
Should I get on the pump?

Hello guys!

My doctor has adviced me to get on the pump. What do you think, I should do?

I'm only 21 years old, and I think is to soon to get on the pump.. I thought about waiting until I've settled down, not while I am hooking up with different girls in the weekend and so on...

I am afraid it gets weird, if I brought a girl home and she saw the pump, when I dropped my t-shirt, you know?

What would you do? Wait or don't be afraid? 😉
MJ it's never too soon to have a pump, or at least get on the waiting list for one because they aren't given out like sweeties and of course you would need to do all the necessary training - intensive carb-counting training eg DAFNE or BERTIE or it's derivatives - and demonstrate that you are completely competent with all that adjusting on MDI before you get considered for a pump, otherwise you will not be able to make the pump work to it's optimum for you.

However, the sooner you can achieve the best control possible, the less troublesome your diabetes should prove to be, both in the short and long term. Diabetes isn't a static condition and just because summat works now doesn't mean you will just need to do exactly the same forever! - insulin doses change with the weather - let alone anything else that happens to us in life!

Most people whether 21 like you or 60+ like me when I got mine; have a certain trepidation about being attached to a piece of medical kit 24/365 and you can either get your head round it or not, as it suits you. I regard Holly (my pump, named after the original puter in Red Dwarf) as just being an extra bit of me - as much part of me as my eyes, my eyebrows, my sylph-like figure, my flawless complexion, my extreme modesty ...... or indeed, my sense of humour !

Shame on anyone who didn't accept another person's diabetes or the way they treat it. If they don't then they are skating on thin ice - discrimination and all that jazz.
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Well said TW. If i where you get one & then you will know. If i am not hungry i can ajust to suit, If i want a larger meal a couple of pushes of buttons & thank you, done. 🙂🙂🙂
Hello guys!

My doctor has adviced me to get on the pump. What do you think, I should do?

I'm only 21 years old, and I think is to soon to get on the pump.. I thought about waiting until I've settled down, not while I am hooking up with different girls in the weekend and so on...

I am afraid it gets weird, if I brought a girl home and she saw the pump, when I dropped my t-shirt, you know?

What would you do? Wait or don't be afraid? 😉

It's a personal choice, but there is no doubt that a pump is the closest approximation to a working pancreas. Also, why wait till things are getting up close and personal - get the pump out earlier in the evening to bolus insulin for your food and drink etc. Then any questions can be got out of the way at this point, not interrupting the atmosphere later on 😉
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