New NHS report on self-testing for Type 2s

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The report is supportive of Type 2s not on insulin who wish to test and make good use of the results to support lifstyle changes:

Common-sense really. Don't test if you're not going to use the results, give education to patients AND staff (so the doctors and nurses don't just fob people off!)

my gp last time i saw him suggested that i didnt need to test any more but still gave me strips i will point him in this direction if they start getting silly

"SMBG should be made available to those who find it useful and have been provided with education in its use.

"The report also reflects the potentially damaging effect of the arbitrary removal of SMBG from individuals who view it as a key part of diabetes self management."

my favorite bits x
The report is supportive of Type 2s not on insulin who wish to test and make good use of the results to support lifstyle changes:

Common-sense really. Don't test if you're not going to use the results, give education to patients AND staff (so the doctors and nurses don't just fob people off!)

Dear Alan,

Wow, thanks for posting this link. I hope that DUK will now make the step from saying " changes" To the more accurate "blood glucose and exercise changes" I can't believe that they don't know what we on this forum have been spouting: that if you eat more carbohydrate then your post prandial glucose level must be higher. Similarly with exercise, its just impossible not to use more glucose if you exercise - unless you are using fat for fuel - but that's another story!

Regards Dodger
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Thanks for the link will definitely be reading it.
God I'm so pathetic, I just cried reading that thinking how I'm going to enjoy waving that in the face of my nurse and GP!
The report is supportive of Type 2s not on insulin who wish to test and make good use of the results to support lifstyle changes:

Common-sense really. Don't test if you're not going to use the results, give education to patients AND staff (so the doctors and nurses don't just fob people off!)

Sadly there is very little change in this summary from the current NICE guidelines- T2s on sulfs are already guaranteed test strips so the first recommendation is just a rehash of the current situation.
The second recommendation tends to leave things as they are with the Doc in charge of deciding ...
"In keeping with existing NICE Clinical Guideline, SMBG should only be provided routinely to people with Type 2 diabetes not treated with insulin or sulphonylureas where there is an agreed purpose or goal to testing."
If the Doc doesn't agree that you need to test, that's it. And that statement is almost verbatim the statement from the old NICE guidelines of 2003 which were scrapped in 2008.
Overall, the new formula, it is probably more likely to be used to justify the current restrictions rather than to ease them.
...The second recommendation tends to leave things as they are with the Doc in charge of deciding ...
"In keeping with existing NICE Clinical Guideline, SMBG should only be provided routinely to people with Type 2 diabetes not treated with insulin or sulphonylureas where there is an agreed purpose or goal to testing."
If the Doc doesn't agree that you need to test, that's it. And that statement is almost verbatim the statement from the old NICE guidelines of 2003 which were scrapped in 2008.
Overall, the new formula, it is probably more likely to be used to justify the current restrictions rather than to ease them.

That's not how I read it Peter. The person with diabetes is supposed to be the 'head' of the team, not the doctor, and the decision and goals have to be 'agreed', not enforced by the doctor. If you can demonstrate that you have the motivation and ability to make good use of testing then the report appears to support you.

What I found a little surprising was the suggestion that many Type 2s NOI are routinely being given test strips without any instruction or use made of results, and indeed against the wishes of the PWD, and that by not giving them to those who don't want to test they will save vast amounts of money. Surely there can't be that many people being forced to test against their will and with no benefit?
That's not how I read it Peter. The person with diabetes is supposed to be the 'head' of the team, not the doctor, and the decision and goals have to be 'agreed', not enforced by the doctor. If you can demonstrate that you have the motivation and ability to make good use of testing then the report appears to support you.

The newly dxed T2 can't agree with him/herself that they need to test, their Doctor has to agree with them. The phrase used here, from 2003 NICE guidelines is PRECISELY the authority Docs have to refuse new T2s strips, the Doc doesn't "agreee" that they need to test. It puts the Docs in charge of deciding - after all, they've got the free pen from a drugs company and the prescription pad. People like Lisa and the rest of new T2s are denied strips because the Docs do NOT agree that they need to test. Another triumph for NICE Guidelines.

And most of the time testing insn't EVEN mentioned to new T2s, how many come on here and are surprised about the testing idea - "it was never mentioned".

The phrase "reduction in SMBG" in the penultimate recommnedation tells us the real meaning of these new rules, they are meant to REDUCE the number of NOI T2s who are testing. Which might imply Docs and Nurses are actively going to discourage T2s who are already testing from carrying on......they want to rob Peter to pay Paul......
"Savings from a reduction in SMBG in individuals with non-insulin treated diabetes should be used to provide both structured education and training of professionals."

Then there is the Alice-in-Wonderland statement in this new report that only NOI t2s who know what they doing with testing and using it successfully should be supported. No, No, NO - the T2s who don't know what they are doing are the ones who should be encouraged and supported in testing!! That statement is just unacceptable elitism- we want ALL T2s testing, being trained who to interpret and use the results. Its not just for a select band.

mark my words - Docs who are refusing strips to new T2s will be quoting this stuff.
i learnt more about why im testing on here !! one year in...i had no idea when/how often to test northe you taught me that !!! dont test so much now as things have settled down however very useful to have strips so i can test when I feel I need to
I am T2, diagosed around 10 years ago, put straight onto tablets and now on insulin for the last year.

From day 1, I was given, and encouraged to self monitor - my GP telling me that I was an intelligent woman - and that monitoring would benefit me, and in the event of any major changes she would see where/when (I have always downloaded the info from my monitor to give to give to her). Test strips have always been made available to me

However, although I am well cared for, I have heard through the grapevine, that self monitoring now in T2s is to be discoraged, for no other reason than to cut costs, as the NHS is concerned about the rising costs of diabetic care.

Diabetes is scary, even now ten years on - but to newly diagnosed patients I cannot imagine how they will maage without self monitoring.

I agree with Alan, ask, demand, from your GP the means to alllow self monitoring
my gp last time i saw him suggested that i didnt need to test any more but still gave me strips i will point him in this direction if they start getting silly

"SMBG should be made available to those who find it useful and have been provided with education in its use.

"The report also reflects the potentially damaging effect of the arbitrary removal of SMBG from individuals who view it as a key part of diabetes self management."

my favorite bits x

Those 2 bits aren't in the new Report - that's Diabetes Uk' spokeperson's response to it.
I disagree with the top one anyway, should read "SMBG should be made availabale to all new T2s and they should be educated to use testing effectively" IMO.
Those 2 bits aren't in the new Report - that's Diabetes Uk' spokeperson's response to it.
I disagree with the top one anyway, should read "SMBG should be made availabale to all new T2s and they should be educated to use testing effectively" IMO.

well spotted peter IMO...what ever that means ?
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