New NHS Diet

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi ,i was quiet excited to read about this new 800 Diet form the NHS/Diabetis UK,untill i got to the bottom of the artical were it said its only for people up to 65! so what about those of us that are over 65?
At age 73 a few years ago I judged that that level of calorie deficit was overly severe, so I just put myself on about 1350 cals and that was sufficient to do the trick.
At age 73 a few years ago I judged that that level of calorie deficit was overly severe, so I just put myself on about 1350 cals and that was sufficient to do the trick.
Thank you for informative post, I’ll certainly try it . I’ve been I diabetic on meds for 30 years, I’m 72 but recently my sugars have become unstable from one day to the next, I am overweight considerably! I’m 96 kilos and should circa 75 so a lot to go. Thanks once again for taking the time to respond!
Hi ,i was quiet excited to read about this new 800 Diet form the NHS/Diabetis UK,untill i got to the bottom of the artical were it said its only for people up to 65! so what about those of us that are over 65?
I think it is much better to use an approach which is enjoyable and sustainable and can become your new way of eating rather than a quick fix.
Somebody was reporting they had found the soups and shakes contained maltodextrin which increased their blood glucose more than the diet they were previously following, not that it would do that for everyone.
Is that an 800 calorie a day diet??? If so the most stressful diet I ever did. After two weeks of waking up in the night starving hungry I just couldn't do it. My BS was high due the stress!!!!
Thank you for informative post, I’ll certainly try it . I’ve been I diabetic on meds for 30 years, I’m 72 but recently my sugars have become unstable from one day to the next, I am overweight considerably! I’m 96 kilos and should circa 75 so a lot to go. Thanks once again for taking the time to respond!
What medication are you on as depending on that, it may not have been suitable anyway.
Thank you for informative post, I’ll certainly try it . I’ve been I diabetic on meds for 30 years, I’m 72 but recently my sugars have become unstable from one day to the next, I am overweight considerably! I’m 96 kilos and should circa 75 so a lot to go. Thanks once again for taking the time to respond!
I wouldn't say you were considerably overweight! but I get it. I need to lose 15kg but I am still a size 16.
I think it is much better to use an approach which is enjoyable and sustainable and can become your new way of eating rather than a quick fix.
Somebody was reporting they had found the soups and shakes contained maltodextrin which increased their blood glucose more than the diet they were previously following, not that it would do that for everyone.
I don't think soups and shakes are the way forward! Surely better eating habits should be encouraged. I try to avoid over processed food which I would consider to be in this category
Hope you are able to find an approach that suits you @Brid51

Particularly one that balanced your meds, your BG levels, and is able to move you towards your preferred weight in a gradual and sustainable way.

It doesn’t have to be a short intense intervention - you can look for a way of eating that will provide you with the results you are looking for and which is flexible and enjoyable enough to allow you to adopt it long-term. 🙂
I’m on glicklazide and once a week Ozimpic which dispite all the hype I read about it so far has done nothing for me!
My only comment would be to be very careful of making extreme changes to your ways of eating when taking Gliclazide. Reducing quantities and carbs could result in unwanted hypos.
Where is the science behind the 800 Calorie diet or indeed the use of Calories rather than Carbs anyway? The view that all Calories are equal (input versus output) is incorrect as the body uses the three main food groups in different ways and with different efficiencies.
I was put on low calorie diets by my GPs, and then insulted for not losing weight.
My metabolism reacts by shutting down. I go deathly pale, my pulse slows, I have no energy and no mental sparkle. I can even sound drunk. I feel cold even in high summer temperatures.
Eating low carb, without medication, my weight reduced, and my shape continues to alter, so I need to remake or replace clothes every 6 months.
I can't give the weightloss accurately as I am a bit twitchy about being weighed these days, but it is a lot now. With no effort and no hunger. I just wish someone would take a serious look at the politics of weight gain and loss rather than trying to sustain a belief in calories.
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