HI THERE I have been lurking around in the background for a while. I was diagnosed Type 2 mid July when I had a BG level of 31 on a blood test for something else. Probably precipitated by steroids. I am on 2 x metformin and my Bg levels are now "normal" (below 7 for premeals and on waking) due a lot to diet changes and I test regularly to keep a check.
Due to new diet I do feel tired easily now but am gradually adding some things back in but still monitoring effect and making sure I keep my Bg levels down as much as possible. Info really helped about keeping carbs low as first thought was - can't have cakes so will fill up on bread and potatoes! WRONG!
Just had a free meter from diabetic Nurse and I like it better than the one I bought whilst awaiting confirmation of diagnosis - gives lower readings!
I am down for eye check and desmond course and can't complain about the service I have received so far - very helpful. My 1st H whatever was 14 and am going for another on 11 Sept. I showed no syptoms except when on steroids and none since finishing steroid course except that i hasd been gradually losing weight without really trying for a while.
Due to new diet I do feel tired easily now but am gradually adding some things back in but still monitoring effect and making sure I keep my Bg levels down as much as possible. Info really helped about keeping carbs low as first thought was - can't have cakes so will fill up on bread and potatoes! WRONG!
Just had a free meter from diabetic Nurse and I like it better than the one I bought whilst awaiting confirmation of diagnosis - gives lower readings!
I am down for eye check and desmond course and can't complain about the service I have received so far - very helpful. My 1st H whatever was 14 and am going for another on 11 Sept. I showed no syptoms except when on steroids and none since finishing steroid course except that i hasd been gradually losing weight without really trying for a while.