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Hi all I'm Pete just been diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes
Welcome to the forum. Would you like to say a bit more about your diagnosis, how did it come about, routine tests or because you were feeling unwell. It can come as s shock to some people but can often explain symptoms and therefore can be a relief that there is something you can do about it. Your HbA1C result will indicate how far you are into the diabetes zone, if not too far then dietary changes may be sufficient but if a bit higher then you may have been prescribed medication to help but the most effective will be looking at your diet and reducing the amount of carbohydrates you have. It is suggested that a good starting point is no more than 130g carbs not just sugar per day.
Have a look at the Learning Zone for information and also this link is useful for ideas for modifying your diet, It is a low carb approach which many find successful but whether it is suitable may depend on any medication you are taking.
Hi milko1968, welcome to the forum.

It's great that you've found us and hope that we can offer support in some way shape or form.

Feel free to share a bit more about yourself such as how you're getting on with things.

We've got a wealth of info no the site so feel free to have a look around and let us know if we can help with anything.
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