New member - saying Hello!

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Well-Known Member
Hi all,

I've been looking for a decent forum for diabetes issues and as this one is aided by Diabetes UK of which I am a supporting member, it seemed the logical choice.

My Fianc?e was diagnosed in Feb this year with Type 1 and it was a bit of a shock. At first she would get upset at times when thinking of all the worse-case scenarios that obviously you get told about. I have done my very best to support her and convince her that it's no big deal when controlled well (she finds this a comforting thought), and she has since handled things amazingly.

She asks for my help of food choices/insulin doses etc and with the combined effort her control is excellent and last week had HbA1C of 5.5% which the nurse said for her age (22) and being fairly recently diagnosed was very good indeed. I go with her to all of her appointments related to diabetes as she finds it comforting and I like to know everything that's going on!

As a scientist I have found that I get my hands on anything that I can read to find out more about diabetes and now I think I annoy my Fianc?e's doctor with in-depth questions about specifics of blood tests and other various issues. I think he either thinks I'm a trainee doctor or someone who typed "diabetes" into Google and went prepared with lots of long words! And as such his responses are fairly abrupt and rubbish, my main gripe about our interaction with the health service so far (I wonder has anyone else experienced this?). I thnk this thirst for knowledge is my own coping mechanism.

I think I'll stop now, my apologies for the long first post but it does feel quite good to have an outlet like this as I certainly don't want to load my Fianc?e with things on my mind, that's my job with her!

Thanks sincerely for listening.
Hi and welcome to the forum. It is full of knowledge so feel free to ask any questions, there is no such thing as a silly question here, and am sure you will be able to put that research to use by answering posts too.

Also, congratulations to your partner on her HBA1C, that is a great result and I'm very jealous as even after 8 years I can't get close to it lol

Hi Diabetes partner...

Welcome to the forum...the large extended family..:D..

Your in the right place for help, support, advice, chat and a good rant...🙂..Whatever you need just post..and many will reply..there is usually someone online that will be able to help..or point you in the right direction of someone who can.

Can I say what a wonderful and supporting partner you are for your fiancee...I'm sure deep down she appreciates your support and dedication.

Look forward to reading your posts..

Hello and Welcome to the forum , anything you want to know just ask 🙂🙂🙂🙂
Hi Diabetes partner,

Welcome to the forum. I'll echo what Heidi has said; you're in the right place to ask questions and have a rant, things like that. Don't be scared to ask questions - he who asks a question looks like a fool for five minutes. He who does not ask a question remains a fool for five minutes.

Terrific stuff - welcome to the forum!🙂 And your fianc?e too, if she wants to join in!🙂

That is a really great HbA1c, especially, as you say, so soon after diagnosis. Does she have many lows? There's a thread elsewhere about how people feel about sharing their diabetes - it seems like you have got things perfect for you and your partner, which is so important I think, especially in the early days. As for the medical profession - well, I have found that, within a few months of diagnosis I also knew at least as much as your average nurse or doctor. This comes from living so closely with the condition day after day. Type 1 is still relatively rare amongst the population as a whole, so many GPs rarely encounter it and are more familiar with Type 2, and treatments can be quite different in some respects. It sounds like, with your background and training, you are in a position to sift the good from the bad, and I guess some health professionals become uneasy at being tested on areas they may not have been able to research as deeply as you or I!

I learn something new every day about diabetes, it can be a far more complex condition than I'd ever imagined, or than some doctors will admit. This forum is excellent because it brings a huge range of experience that it would be difficult to encounter anywhere else. It is also one of the easiest forums to use - very uncluttered and straightforward (I have given up on some forums because of their poor design). It is also full of very friendly, knowledgeable and supportive people!:D
Thanks very much for your kind words.

I too have been surprised by how my relatively small amount of time of research (albeit fairly intense) has made me think twice about passing comments/advice from diabetic nurses especially. Especially as one told me that if my missus was unconcious due to hypo I should squeeze some sugary gel down her throat, because that won't make her choke or anything 😱

And when I asked to be prescribed a glucagon injection she spent the next 5 minutes trying to find it on the system after typing in "glycagon" many times.

In response to your question Northerner she doesn't get many hypos at all, and when she does we usually know it's going to happen because we are maybe out and know we need to be having some lunch!

I would certainly like to use my scientific background and research to help out where I can around the forum. I do expect I'll be popping up all over the place as I do like a good forum!
Hi and welcome to the forum! Sounds like you and your partner have approached this in a very positive way - and this will make her feel very supported - so well done. Looking forward to reading your future posts.:DBev
hi and a very warm welcome t the forum xx
Welcome aboard!

Great numbers, sounds like you are on the right path the two of you.

Feel free to rant here as much as you need, post any articles you come across too, ask any questions no matter how "stupid" because there is no such thing as a "stupid" question here!
..., post any articles you come across too...

[admin] Website links are fine, but do be careful about copyright infringement if you want to quote articles - short extracts with references are generally OK! 🙂 [/admin]
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