New Librelink CGM Type 2 user with ?s


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Hi I am a Type 2 diabetic diagnosed a year ago. I'm taking Metformin 500mg twice a day. I've just done the Libre Link CGM free trial and found it very eye opening.
Are there other Type 2s who use this technology regularly (its so expensive!)?
How long have you used it for?
How often do you use it?
How helpful have you found it?

I am glad that you found the trial of the Libre so useful. I am aware of people with T2 in here choosing to use the Libre when they want to find out how they tolerate specific foods, portion sizes and the impact of certain types of exercise.

I know that using the Libre opened my eyes to some ’healthy foods’ causing my levels to go very spikey after a meal.
Hi @CathyFP I am also Type 2 and used the Libre 2 free trial. My sensor went wrong twice, meaning I was sent a replacement, so I have over 4 weeks of data, spaced over a year.

It is an eye-opener to see how certain foods and activities do and don't cause spikes or dips.
As @SB2015 says, some foods I thought innocuous or healthy turned out to be less so, and vice versa.

However, I have found it difficult to correlate the absolute values it records with "control" readings taken with my finger prick test monitor - even allowing for the 15min lag between blood measured by the latter and body fluid measured by Libre. So I see Libre as something measuring how I go up and down, not measuring what I actually am.
The estimated HbA1c also needs to be taken with a pinch of salt.

Given the cost, I'm unlikely to pay for one, unless I feel I've gone out of control and need to reset my diet, etc
Hope this helps.