New Kid's Tester

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I'd like a reward for testing, perhaps I can have someone nice and hunky to kiss my sore finger better?

Joking apart, anyhting that helps kids help themselves and achieve better care is worthwhile.
like it they say tho would be great to connect to pokemon !! i loved that game and characters as no body got killed they just fainted...could go to a health center and be totally healed...and one of the best cahracters Jinx main weapon was ...a lovely kiss !!! hehee it also taught my son to read
be interesting to hear what bev or other parents think of it
There are a few children on the other list who have tried this - but they werent too keen - I think it was because the games were a bit boring. However, other children might like it - just thought i would mention is as its a lot of money to waste if your child doesnt like it.🙂Bev
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