new kid on the block - test strips?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
hi there, is anybody else having a problem in getting glucose test strips on prescription, i tried getting them from my doctor and he said that they dont do it, but i was told by the pharmasist that doctors do do them on prescription, i am retired and my husband is on disability allowence so we do buy them of course we do cos we have to, but we find that it is expensive, even tho we buy from chemist direct .com
Hi Diane, I'm afraid this is a perennial problem for Type 2s - some doctors say that you don't need to test unless you are on insulin or medication that might cause your blood sugar to fall too low. This is wrong, as you can leard a great deal of information from knowing how your body reacts to different food and activities. Based on that information you can make adjustments that will help keep your levels under control whilst still allowing you a degree of flexibility in your diet.

Some people buy their own strips and keep a diary of their results and food eaten to show their doctor that they are using the strips and acting on the information - some doctors are then persuaded by this to prescribe strips.
im fortunate have no problems getting strips from day one .....what it seems to do the trick if your gp/dsn is being sticky about it , is to prove that you will use the results to help identify what makes you spike ...mine is bread and fruit but i found that out by testing ....
thank you again everybody for your advise, i think that it is appaulin that you have to buy your own, and doctors think that you dont need it how on earth like one of you said we gonna learn wat makes us spike, thanks again everyone
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