new kid on the block - heart problems?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
hi there its diane again lol,i just would like to know if anybody has any problems with there heart as in beats faster or at different speeds, as for the last 2 days i have had this does it settle down, or comes now and again, or is this how its gonna be all the time, i have checked my blood pressure and it is fine, anybody got any suggestions thanks
Hi there and welcome to the forum.

If you are worried about your heart, I would go and see your doctor 🙂

In the meantime, feel free to ask any questions - no question here is too silly :D
Hi Diane, Imoved your question to the General Messageboard so more would see it. 🙂

As has been said, do have a word with your doctor if you are worried about your heart. It may be something very straightforward and getting assurance will be worth the visit. Similarly, if you need any treatment, you should get it as soon as possible, so either way, do book an appointment!

It may b e something as simple as stress or anxiety that is causing the problem. Also, as you are now diagnosed and receiving treatment, your blood sugar levels may sometimes be at lower levels to what they were pre-diagnosis. This can give you some of the symptoms of a 'hypo' which include a racing heart or palpitations as your body releases stress hormones making you feel anxious or panicky. As you get more used to the lower levels (which are not dangerous) these sensations will reduce.

Hope this helps! 🙂
Please do go get it checked out. My mum had 'odd' sensations in her chest and ended up having a heart attack because she wouldn't go to the doctor. You are probably suffering from anxiety or the new lower glucose levels are giving you other symptoms, but to make sure it is something simple and get early treatment if necessary, do go get it checked.
Hi New Kid, I have a heart rhythm issue and am on beta blockers to correct. It took a while for them to find what was going on because it doesn't happen all the time or when I am conveniently at the doctor's surgery. I was referred to the hospital for an ECG which is painless, then for a further test which involved wearing a portable ECG strapped on for 3 days. I had to keep a diary for any potential blips and I thought it would be clear as I had not felt anything over that time. However, there was something and the beta blockers seem to be working just fine.

There is a medical term for it but can't remember what it is. Go and see your GP and talk to him/her. Don't be like me and keep cancelling appointments because it hadn't happened for a while!!
Hi New Kid, I have a heart rhythm issue and am on beta blockers to correct. It took a while for them to find what was going on because it doesn't happen all the time or when I am conveniently at the doctor's surgery. I was referred to the hospital for an ECG which is painless, then for a further test which involved wearing a portable ECG strapped on for 3 days. I had to keep a diary for any potential blips and I thought it would be clear as I had not felt anything over that time. However, there was something and the beta blockers seem to be working just fine.

There is a medical term for it but can't remember what it is. Go and see your GP and talk to him/her. Don't be like me and keep cancelling appointments because it hadn't happened for a while!!

I think the term you are looking for is Arrhythmia.
Most people can be treated with drugs but some need to have a pacemaker fitted.
Hi New Kid

Most people experience the odd palpitation however there are several conditions which can be an underlying cause so the best thing to do would be pop along to the GP for an investigation. It'll put your mind at ease.
Get your thyroid function checked out. That's just a blood test that's needed for that. Having an overactive thyroid can cause your heart to race from time to time (palpitations), and thyroid disorders are supposed to be linked to diabetes. Although generally it's supposed to be an underactive thyroid that's related to diabetes, it doesn't rule the other extreme out. (unless i'm an isolated case...) Nor are the symptoms always that noticable.
Either way the problem can be treated with medication.
hi there i went to see the doctor this morning, and he has put me on 3 metformin a day, cos of my b/s been always high, and also i asked about my heart racing and he said it could be because i am anxious about my diabetis, so i have to go back in a week to see if i feel any better, b/s wise and if i do then he will give me some anti depressents for my racing heart thanks to everybody
Glad you went to see the doctor. Let us know how you get on withthe extra tablets
hi there. i have lately suffered from exactly the same thing! in my local A&E a few weeks ago my heart rate was at 157 beats a minute!!! many of the doctors i have seen have put it down to me being anxious about things, or that they are just panic attacks but more recently my diabetes nurse advised me to get my thyroid checked out as being diabetic increases the risk of thyroid problems. its worth getting it checked just to make sure.
I get this all the time.and am due to start metformin again soon.
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