New Insulin pumps

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Does anyone know if any new insulin pumps are being brought out, in the u.k this year?
Why do you ask ? Are you doing a change ? Sorry I don't know 🙂 Normally what happens with me I choose & they bring a new model out ,cars, bikes :D Good luck🙂
LOL @HOBIE - I know what you mean!

I'd rather have a pump that's already 'tried and tested' and has good reviews from the guinea pigs myself, seeing as my life depends on it I think - but then I know I'm risk averse.

Mike (everydayups&downs) is one of the people attending some of the DUK Professional Conference next week and he's very good at sniffing such things out, I've noticed in the past - so let's see what if anything he noses out - cos you just never know.
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