New icon

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Alright - own up (I bet it was you, Northerner) who changed the icon on my desktop from a subtle "Diabetes UK support Forum" to a square smiley face ?
I thought "that's it, my eyes have gone all funny again".....Faith
Despite the rumours Faith, I do not control everyone's computers! I'd look closer to home if I was you...:D

Hope you are well - have you found a good DSN etc. after your move?
i cant see what this icon is mind it is 8.35am :D
Northerner, no-one at home knows anything about computers (he's 77 and a techniphobe!)...........I wonder where it came from then - I installed Vista 8 yesterday, could that have done it?'s you really, isn't it ?

I have made an appointment to see my new DSN next week for general chat and a blood test for the dreaded Hba1c prior to consultant appointment on August 3rd. I'm impressed ((so far) by the new surgery - they have a dedicated diabetic clinic every Tuesday (some mornings, some afternoons) when they have a Dr and nurse on hand and "all diabetics are encouraged to attend" - sounds hopeful but we shall see. Faith

(Stef - it's the identifying icon on the shortcut on my desktop - I was just wondering if it's the new logo for this Forum - BTW - how are you now ?)
all sounds very promising faith wish you luck for next weeks appointment and hba on the 3rd x
Thanks Stef, I'm hopeful he will be reasonably pleased with me....Faith
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