New here!


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi I’ve been Type 1 Diabetic for 14 years, currently being controlled by a CGM (Dexcom G6) and an Insulin Pump (Omnipod 5)! I have joined the Forum for a bit of support in regards to decisions around my diabetes and complications and I am looking forward to supporting anyone if I can too!! ☺️
Good morning, @abbi913. Welcome to the Forum. You've been managing this Diabetes malarkey some 10 years more than myself and I don't yet have a pump; so I'm probably not the right person to help you about decisions around your Diabetes. But there are many others on this forum who can potentially help drawing from their experience. I'm sure they will be along a bit later this morning.
Welcome @abbi913 🙂 There’s lots of support here, both practical and emotional, so ask anything you want or just have a chat, a laugh or a moan.

How long have you used a pump? How are you finding your pump/CGM combo? Were there any particular decisions that were on your mind?
Welcome to the forum @abbi913

Great to have you here!

We’ve a fair few members on hybrid closed loops, and various other types of pumps (with and without connected sensors). Plus a raft of folks on other regimes, and with lots of different types of diabetes.

Do fire away with any questions you may have, or simply use the forum as a friendly space to express your frustrations or worries among folks who ‘get it’.