New here!


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello everyone. I've have been recently diagnosed with diabetes 2 being the more likely (more on that later), with a HbA1c reading of 100! I've recently noticed that I've lost quite a bit of weight from last year (10 kgs), being more thirsty and peeing more often. Went to the GP, blood test to get a high reading level of hbA1c, but wanted to wait for a few weeks to get a second reading to confirm diagnosis, which was confirmed this week. I was prescribed metformin twice a day to start with, with another blood test booked in December.

While it wasn't a total shock from looking at my symptoms, it was a quite unexpected given that my hba1C reading was 41 last year! At that time, I was 74 kgs (now dropped to 64) and am fairly moderately active (Been going rock climbing 2/3 times a week), so the GP said I do not fit the typical diabetic 2 profile - I could have lada/ moby but GP said to get blood sugar down before doing anything.

I am of East Asia ethnicity, so diet is primarily rice/ noodles with other usual form of carbs (pasta/ potatoes). I'm quite conscious of heavy carbs, so while they do feature prominently, I don't usually have large portions.

So it could be hereditary as my father also had diabetes 2, but I am wondering what diet to go from there - I do not want to lose more weight - actually I want to bulk up more.
Hi I am new on here I have been a diabetic since 2016 on insulin now
Welcome to the forum @Jester

I’ve split your post into a thread of its own, so that replies to you don’t get muddled with @qwerty123 ‘s thread 🙂

How have you been finding insulin so far? Have you been on it long? Have you seen any improvements in your BG levels from it?