New here


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi just a hello to everyone as my 1st time on here, i was diagnoses with type 2 5 years ago and apparantly it was a tad high 133 ! lmao anyways its now down to 61 so just about there now.
Welcome to the forum, and well done on that big drop!
Welcome to the forum @conair

I’m guessing they probably recommended some medications given your fairly high starting point? Are you still taking meds?

Congratulations on your HbA1c improvement. Onward and downward!
yes im on 2 1000mg prolonged release Metformin and 1 forxiga dapagliflozin a day and it took about a year-18 months before the doc even mentioned to me about diet as in sugar/carbs ect so not really the best info from day 1.