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Lickety split

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
New to this site, im type 2
Ive been seeing alot on tik tok about different smoothie and tea recipes that can lower blood sugar
1 carot
1 lemon
1 orange
Fresh ginger
Been on this for 5 days and no results yet
Cinnamon sticks
Fresh turmeric
Again 5 days and no results
Anyone else tried these for longer or am i wasting my time
Welcome @Lickety split 🙂 There’s nothing wrong with that smoothie but I doubt it will lower your blood sugar noticeably. You’d probably be better off adjusting your diet, exercising and losing any excess weight.

How long have you had Type 2? Are you on any meds for it?
Welcome to the forum.
Those things aren't something I'd use.
I'm avoiding the sweet stuff, reducing carb portions, and eating healthier meals. Also dieting and increasing exercise.
Someone is having a laugh I think!
Making foods into a smoothie causes any carbs they contain to break down much quicker and therefore hit the blood stream quicker and oranges and to a lesser extent carrots and lemon, contain carbs, so that concoction has the ability to raise your levels rather than lower them. Not saying that you shouldn't eat those foods but chewing them takes longer, is more satisfying psychologically and slows down the release of the carbs they contain.... not that I am suggesting people eat whole lemons unless they enjoy them, but there is no magic potion which improves Type 2 diabetes, it is about reducing carbs and/or losing weight and getting more active and taking appropriate medication if needed.
It is going to be more what the rest of your diet is, as said smoothies ca often increase blood glucose more than the individual ingredients would.
A sensible dietary approach is more likely to be successful, on based on low carbs, with protein and healthy fats with plenty of veg and salads.
Have a look at this link for an approach which many have found successful.
New to this site, im type 2
Ive been seeing alot on tik tok about different smoothie and tea recipes that can lower blood sugar
1 carot
1 lemon
1 orange
Fresh ginger
Been on this for 5 days and no results yet
Cinnamon sticks
Fresh turmeric
Again 5 days and no results
Anyone else tried these for longer or am i wasting my time
Oh dear - someone is having a laugh at your expense there.
I use herbs and spices in my everyday cooking, and make lemon tea, but carrot AND lemon AND orange, pulverised for easy absorption - not going to happen in my kitchen.
Lowering blood glucose is not magic, so potions aren't going to work.
I suggest concentrating on reducing the intake of starch and sugar from all sources and using a blood glucose tester to see how low you need to go to get into normal numbers - when the sink drain is blocked it is only common sense to turn off the taps, and there is a similar logic for ordinary type 2 diabetes.
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