New HBA1c result 32

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
Very pleased with my new result but still questioning my original March result of 44. When I got that first result I started testing but only found banana to be a problem (30 mg at breakfast) that took me from 5.5 to 8.2 2 hrs later when mixed with shredded wheat. I started wearing a libre 2 to get a full picture and had an estimated HBA1c of 32. After 3 months I decided to repeat my test privately and it is 32 which is what all my blood testing suggested. The only change to my diet has been cutting out banana, and I have just come back from a 2 week holiday where I ate pasta, croissants ice cream etc and my libre 2 results barely moved from averaging 5.5 to 5.6. My recent sample was taken after my holiday. I am a healthy weight, normal BMI, but was only a few pounds overweight back in March. The result in March was given to me via a telephone call from the health care assistant my Dr never contacted me and I am now wondering if she was sat with a pile of lab results calling people and accidentally gave me someone else’s result. The drop from 44 to 32 seems unlikely given I am still on the same low carb diet I was on previously (barring holidays) and my testing immediately after the result of 44 was not showing the glucose levels that would give rise to a result of 44. Any thoughts? As far as I’m aware I didn’t have an infection when the first test was done.
I’d just be happy with the 32
I am very happy with 32 and will continue doing what I’ve been doing. I just find it a bit strange that it has dropped from 44 with pretty much no lifestyle change in 12 weeks.
I am very happy with 32 and will continue doing what I’ve been doing. I just find it a bit strange that it has dropped from 44 with pretty much no lifestyle change in 12 weeks.
You have made changes, eg cutting out banana, there may be others you haven’t realised you’ve made, just by being more aware of having a high a1c before.

As a1c improvements go, look around the forum and you’ll see way bigger drops than yours so it’s not impossible. It’s the latest a1c that’s important and as that’s 32 just keep doing what you do now.
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