New GP - different from sacked one but as bad........

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Well my goodness what a waste of space, wonder how you qualified as a GP when my new one did. Obviously you didn't need to know anything about diabetes at all in any way shape or form and have never needed to read up on it.

So we have a new doctor in the same practice, the head honcho apparently, who I didn't want but they wouldn't let me have the man I requested.

I asked for some Hypo-Fit on prescription. New thing out, was given a sample and it seemed to work. Lucozade is too fast for J as it wakes up her bit of pancreas, dextrose tabs don't work at all neither does Glucogel. We have to use coke and I'm trialling Sprite. I use glucotabs if she needs a burst and is over 4.0. If under then they don't work either.

The dr refused and asked to see us. We have just got back and I'm angry and shaking. He is going to contact our consultant soon to say 'hi' and to make sure they know that Jessica is having hypos (give me strength) and to ask if he can prescribe the hypo-fit !!!!!!

When we first went in and saw him he said 'well why is she having hypos' and it threw me a bit. I said all children with diabetes get hypos. He said well they shouldn't, does your consultant know? Errr yes ! Well you can imagine the conversation after that.

Dr : How many hypos a week ?
Me : Its hard to say, sometimes none as she may be too high and sometimes maybe 5 or even 10 or just 1, depends on lots of factors including exercise etc.
Dr : so she can go a whole week without them then ?

Well it just went on and on and got more ridiculous.

I have warned the hospital they will be getting a hello letter from a cretin who thinks he is a doctor who doesn't think that people with diabetes should get hypos and could they please tell him to prescribe whatever I have asked for.

He asked J how she felt when hypo. She said dizzy. She told him she felt dizzy today so tested and she was 10.7 but yesterday when she felt dizzy she was 7.8. That stopped him in his tracks. I had to tell him that she is what is known as asymptomatic. Not sure he believed me.

I left the doctors without any prescription and I had also gone for meter needles and some of J's other medication. :(
I think there ought to be a module that GPs have to study, which teaches them that, sometimes (especially with diabetics or parents of them), the patient knows best. It's a conclusion I came to within the first couple of months after diagnosis - I live with this every day, I understand the process and the implications, I know how I respond to treatment, and what treatment suits me. I am lucky to have only met with doctors and nurses who do not challenge this and recognise that I know my stuff, and myself.

Sorry you had to deal with this Adrienne. I've got some hypo-fit, but have never tried it - had it about 10 months now!
Hi Adrienne...

I am truly speechless with what you and J have had to go through today with that Dr....😡
Can I just mirror what Northerner has said.

Best wishes

Hi Adrienne!
Why on earth is a doctor asking you why J is having hypo's?
Does he think you deliberately let her have them? You have 9 years experience of living with diabetes and are an expert on her pump, yet he decided it was acceptable to question prescribing something for a hypo?

I realise you were probably shocked by his attitude, but it would have been brillliant if you had turned the tables onto him and asked him ' Dr - can you tell me why J is having hypo's? or 'Can you explain to me why J has lost her hypo awareness' etc etc etc..I bet you any money that he wouldnt have been able to answer any of your questions!

How ridiculous that he dared to question your carers skills - when he doesnt even understand why a diabetic person has a hypo! I am speechless and quite angry on your behalf. I hope your DSN deals with him in the manner he deserves and leaves him in no doubt that YOU are the expert on J's care and that in fact you probably know more than the DSN's who see her at clinic!

Hopefully if you have to see him again - you will be prepared for the nonsense that he will no doubt spout at you!

When A's hba1c came back high last month - our gp helpfully sent a message through the receptionist to tell me to give him more insulin! Doh - if only i had known - i could have saved myself a lot of stress! I decided that day that gp's know zilch about diabetes and i would no longer require their help with his care!😱Bev

p.s. Remember YOU are the expert on J's care not the GP!
I've had a few GPs ask me if I ever have hypos, and seem horrified when a say yes! So frustrating! One wouldn't sign my skydiving form as she thought it was dreadful, I sorted that one out though!

Hope you get it all sorted.
what a complete idiot i'm not at all surprised why your so angry after that experience. It's like saying how long is a piece of string.
Oh Adrienne this is truely awful and inexcusable. I would like to use a few expleetives but will only say them out rather than type them.

I can only imagine the shear level of frustration this creates for you. I am so angry just reading it, god only knows when you are advocate for your daughter what it must feel like.

I saw a doctor in occupational health because my work referred me about 2 years ago. After he took my history, painfully, I said I had "diabetes", he said, "and how are you spelling that? t.i.e.s?". He procalimed after that it wasnt really his subject (really?) then went and got one of his collegues, a nurse whose neighbours daughter had diabetes.....for her 'expert' opinion based on the neighbour relationship. I mustn't reflect on this before sleep, but nothing enrages me more than being failed disgracefully by the medical profession. It perhaps isnt helpful to put my pennies worth down, but except to say I sympathise.

This level of treatment you have recieved is shameful. I hope, fingers crossed, good will come and very soon you will get a decent doctor.

Good luck, chin up Adrienne, you are a fighter x
Oh Adrienne this is truely awful and inexcusable. I would like to use a few expleetives but will only say them out rather than type them.

I can only imagine the shear level of frustration this creates for you. I am so angry just reading it, god only knows when you are advocate for your daughter what it must feel like.

I saw a doctor in occupational health because my work referred me about 2 years ago. After he took my history, painfully, I said I had "diabetes", he said, "and how are you spelling that? t.i.e.s?". He procalimed after that it wasnt really his subject (really?) then went and got one of his collegues, a nurse whose neighbours daughter had diabetes.....for her 'expert' opinion based on the neighbour relationship. I mustn't reflect on this before sleep, but nothing enrages me more than being failed disgracefully by the medical profession. It perhaps isnt helpful to put my pennies worth down, but except to say I sympathise.

This level of treatment you have recieved is shameful. I hope, fingers crossed, good will come and very soon you will get a decent doctor.

Good luck, chin up Adrienne, you are a fighter x

Oh dear. This really is awful isn't it. This GP I saw I've seen him before but didn't know his name, he was a twerp then. One more chance and then that's it.
This one sounds as bad as mine. He wont prescribe anything out of the ordinary without someone else telling him to.

It seems the only way for you to go as someone else suggested is to change surgeries. Ask around and see where your neighbours and friends go and how well they get on with their GP?

Good luck, I hope things work out for you.
hi adrienne so sorry to hear this, i hope things get better and wish you good luck x
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Oh Adrienne!
How frustrating all this is for you! Maybe a new surgery would be worth considering.
There needs to be more GP's who specialise in diabetes. The fact is that you (and probably most people on this forum) know so much more than the GP's (though i might be an exception to that as my GP's son was diagnosed with diabetes just six months before my son was!) because we are all very concientous and have educated ourselves so well.
Keep us posted on how this goes. 🙂🙂
Hi, i've not only suffered with hypo's but i've got such an incompetent GP that i refuse to go to him any . The final straw was when i had "male problems" and he laughed and said he "didn't suffer in that department." Talk about being mortified. I've had numerous illnesses and severe infections since which i've just left to take their course and hopefully not make me too ill, so i for one can truly sympathise with your plight. 😡

Thats terrible. Such a waste of time, especially when there are precious few apointments avalaible. Can you just ring up and book an apppointment with the GP you wanted? At my surgery you can book to see any GP you want, they prefer you to stick with one, but you are allowed to book with any.

I haven't luckily had such incompetence from a GP yet, but the "diabetes nurse" at my old surgery was fairly useless, a nice lady who even gave me her mobile number to call her if I had any problems. She didn't understand when I tried to explain carb counting to her, she was surprised that I had changed my basal dose without talking to her or the GP. She didn't know that there was a pen the dosed in half units. I could go on, but I won't. Was good that I had my hospital DSN and consultant.
Hi, i've not only suffered with hypo's but i've got such an incompetent GP that i refuse to go to him any . The final straw was when i had "male problems" and he laughed and said he "didn't suffer in that department." Talk about being mortified. I've had numerous illnesses and severe infections since which i've just left to take their course and hopefully not make me too ill, so i for one can truly sympathise with your plight. 😡


Wow that's absolutely terrible Aries Man 😱 I can assure you though that not all GPs are like that!! I know that none of the GPs at my surgery would ever react like that. Please dont just ignore illnesses, find a new GP surgery and get a good one. I know your confidence has probably been knocked but it will be worth it. I hope you have a good diabetes consultant and DSN.
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