New diagnosis Type 2

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Have been put on Metmorfin - type 2. Bloods were 50. Been over a week - didn't realise it would make me so ill!! Awful side effects. Slowly stopping - thank goodness. It's been a stressful week hearing this news - major confusion. I've done shopping and replaced white stuff with wholemeal and salad stuff. Stopped sugar in tea. Drinking loads more water. Carbs info is confusing but I'm trying. Got finger prick test but don't understand results what do I do if high or low? Before eating my test was 7.2.....whatever that means. I also have neuropathy in my feet which pain stops me sleeping - got amiltriptaline - it doesn't stop it. I'm not a sweet person - don't eat cake/ choc / sweets but I'm a bad savoury person who loves sausage rolls / Scotch egg etc I have a busy job and work long hours so not great at exercise. So hi everyone - hope I pick up some ideas.
Hi Kbear, I've just replied to your question on the other thread, welcome to the forum.
It sounds like it's been a bit of a shock for you. To get a diagnosis of diabetes, you have to have an HbA1c of 48 or over, so if you're 50, you're not too far over. It sounds like you've got a plan - swapping out white bread for wholemeal etc. Good stuff!
As for the finger pricking, the figures for that are explained here on the main Diabetes UK website. If you go high, you need to look at what you've eaten and tweak your meal for next time, so if you had two sausage rolls and got a high reading, maybe next time, have a single one and some salad, or a boiled egg. Stuff with pastry on will put your BG up, but you shouldn't ban it from your diet, a treat once in a while is fine, or a smaller portion.
I can recommend signing up for the learning zone and doing some of the training on there to learn more. Or look in the book section of the forum and see if there's any books there that you could read that would help. I read a few books - Michael Mosley's blood sugar diet has some reasonable recipes in, and you can get a second hand copy for a few quid. I also recommend either of the Professor Roy Taylor books.
Ask away if you have any questions, there's load of experience on the forums and everyone's been helpful and lovely each time I've had a question!
Best wishes, Sarah
Thank you so much Sarah. It's only just been over a week so hopefully more reading etc I'll learn more. Hubby is well on board and even though not diabetic is changing his diet as well. My lunch today was wholemeal pitta with salad and chicken. It was yummy - so much better than Greggs next to my office. Bit more planning ahead with meals and hopefully I won't resort to Greggs and crisps.
With an HbA1C of 50mmol/mol you may be able to manage without medication if you are prepared to make some dietary changes which is sounds as if you have done already. I found following the principals in this link which is a low carb approach I reduced my HbA1C from 50 to 42 in 3 months and to 36 in another 6 months. I really is now my new way of eating.
With an HbA1C of 50mmol/mol you may be able to manage without medication if you are prepared to make some dietary changes which is sounds as if you have done already. I found following the principals in this link which is a low carb approach I reduced my HbA1C from 50 to 42 in 3 months and to 36 in another 6 months. I really is now my new way of eating.
To be honest, when GP sent me out the door armed with tablets and saying it was 50. That meant zero to me so just followed GP advice. But since all the reading I have done I will talk to him again. Thank you for the link. My aim is to get this down and change food lifestyle.
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