New cartridge airshot

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I started a new insulin cartridge but forgot to the initial airshot to make sure it's working before injecting.
It's not something I've done before so not sure if this will cause an issue apart from less insulin injected.

Does anyone know if this will cause an issue?

Thank you
No it’s fine. You would have felt resistance as the pressure increased in the cartridge if the needle wasn’t working.

I started a new insulin cartridge but forgot to the initial airshot to make sure it's working before injecting.
It's not something I've done before so not sure if this will cause an issue apart from less insulin injected.

Does anyone know if this will cause an issue?

Thank you

It shouldn’t do but there’s nothing to stop you doing a bigger airshot before you use it next time if it’s worrying you.
It happens @sam98

Hopefully you’ll have had most of the dose. How did it feel when you pressed the plunger? Was there an unusually loose moment at the beginning (with very rapid clicks) before it felt as firm as usual? Or did it just feel like it usually does?

I was told it’s best practice to do an airshot of 2u every time you are about to take a dose. Sometimes temperature variations or knocks and bumps can introduce tiny amounts of slack around the plunger, and the tolerances on insulin pens are pretty tiny as the amount of fluid that is dispensed is so small. Ensuring the pen is properly primed and insulin is flowing every time is a wise precaution!
You will probably have injected a small amount of air before the reduced dose of insulin, but that is unlikely to have much effect.

I usually do an air-shot of 8u for a new cartridge, then 1u for each subsequent injection.
I find these amounts invariably result in a drop of insulin coming from the needle.
(Of course that assumes no air bubbles in the cartridge, which is almost invariably the case.)
It happens @sam98

Hopefully you’ll have had most of the dose. How did it feel when you pressed the plunger? Was there an unusually loose moment at the beginning (with very rapid clicks) before it felt as firm as usual? Or did it just feel like it usually does?

I was told it’s best practice to do an airshot of 2u every time you are about to take a dose. Sometimes temperature variations or knocks and bumps can introduce tiny amounts of slack around the plunger, and the tolerances on insulin pens are pretty tiny as the amount of fluid that is dispensed is so small. Ensuring the pen is properly primed and insulin is flowing every time is a wise precaution!
All seemed OK when I injected. Just wasn't sure about air bubbles as it's the first time I have missed doing the airshot.
How have your levels been since @sam98 ?
Because of the place we inject insulin - ie not directly into a blood vessel but in the space between our skin and anything/everything underneath skin, and that space just contains fluid basically (interstitional fluid - looks like water, sometimes tastes slightly salty eg when handsewing with a fine needle I've been known to slightly prick a finger tip not deep enough to draw blood but the finger leaks that I don't wish to get on whatever I'm sewing so that finger goes in my mouth and I instantly suck it then can wipe digit on pocket hanky - if its salty thats most likely cos said digit was getting sweaty anyway.) Doesn't need a plaster cos you can't even see where you did it by this time, the skin has pretty instantly sealed back together again, cos it does! Anyway - the actual amount of air contained in the whole length of a brand new sealed insulin pen needle is truly miniscule - I reckon it must be a small fraction of the space occupied by one single unit of insulin and if you actually care to look at 1u of insulin and consider how many times I must have done that accidentally during the past 50+ years - I most certainly ain't going to tell you that you need to worry!

Just try not to make a habit of it. 🙂
Good to hear! Sounds like your dose was probably delivered fine then?

But Airshots every time are a good habit to get into, as every once in a while you airshot and nothing happens, so you have to go again until you see the telltale droplets.
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