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New blindness prevention methods in diabetic eye disease

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
By combining data on optometry patient's eyes with advanced computational methods, Indiana University researchers have created a virtual tissue model of diabetes in the eye.

The results, reported in the journal PLOS Computational Biology, show precisely how a small protein that can both damage or grow blood vessels in the eye causes vision loss and blindness in people with diabetes. The study could also lead to better treatment for diabetic retinopathy, which currently requires multiple, invasive procedures that aren't always effective in the long term.

The research was conducted by scientists at the IU School of Optometry and the Biocomplexity Institute in the IU School of Informatics and Computing.

A common cause of vision loss in people with diabetes, diabetic retinopathy is responsible for 1 percent of all blindness worldwide and a leading cause of blindness in American adults.

I remember my mother was one of the first people to have laser treatment on her eyes. In those days she had to spend a week (at least) in St.Bart's hospital in London.
I remember my mother was one of the first people to have laser treatment on her eyes. In those days she had to spend a week (at least) in St.Bart's hospital in London.
She must have been brave Lilian
Not really Hobie, when it is a matter of definitely go blind or take your chance.
I had to have a tiny bit of laser done a couple of years ago, took a few minutes then I was off home - technology has certainly come a long way 🙂 I also have the prospect of getting the injections in the eyes, which I am doing my utmost to avoid. The good thing about this forum though is that because others have always been so frank and honest in sharing their own experiences I am less fearful than I suspect I otherwise would have been 🙂 And as you say @Lilian the alternative doesn't bear thinking about.
The Sunderland Eye hosp is one of the best in the country. I once had an injection in my eye to reduce the pain. The dr was very brave cos I nearly thought about knocking his lts out 😱:D (A really nice bloke but when someone is coming at you with something sharp) 😉
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